To anyone who owns 'Sadness Will Prevail'...

dill_the_devil Music Editor
...have any of you managed to sit through the entirety of the album in one go? Like, all 2 hours plus of it? If so, what state of mind where you in afterwards? Don't get me wrong, I think it's an utterly fantastic album (although Steve Austin's mental health is something I find myself concerned about more and more since listening to it...), but I can't seem to make myself listen to the whole thing in one go...

Anyone made of sterner stuff than me? :D
I've listened to it straight through several different times. Of course I'm as manly as they come . . . plus, I was in a car driving for 8 hours straight.

As far as Steve Austin's mental health . . . I have no doubt he is a very passionate, intense person. I hope he continues to make music for many years.
Ive listened to it througout several times. The first time was when I went to bed and threw on my headphones. After it was all down, I was like "what the fuck!"...I was blown away and pretty freaked. The album is more of a whole, than just a series of songs. i truly believe that. Very surreal and spooky.
I'm giving it another go... I'm on 'Made Of Flesh' on disc Y now, although I have to say, the four minutes of looped, anguished screaming at the end of the first disc very nearly scared me away from the computer... hehehe...

And to think I can normally listen to Anaal Nathrakh and (more recently) Watchmaker without batting an eyelid... but TITD are scaring the hell out of me!
Originally posted by i acnt spell
I'm lost. Fill me in?

We're talking about torture . . . homicide . . . suicide . . . never-ending pain . . . eternity in hell . . . .

A mental state where all this is your only comfort. Don't go there if you're not prepared!
Well, I've done it twice now, and I'm currently working on the third... I love this album, but it's causing me a few sleepless nights when I listen to it all the way through... hehehe... fantastic work though, I'm gonna get the whole TITD back catalogue as soon as possible.

'Never Answer The Phone' is something of an endurance test in itself though, isn't it? Hehehe...
You'll love the older stuff. Each album gets stranger as Steve Austin's psychosis progresses. Get 'In the Eyes of God' next. It is probably the most evil sounding album ever made. Pure hate . . . pure evil . . .