To Bid You Farewell, Madrigal and other...


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Now when I listen to Morningrise or MAYH I get alot of imagery... alot moreso than from any other album. I think it was this point in time that Opeth were really pouring with creativity and as a result I can associate alot of both albums with alot of 'nature' scenes... alot like the settings I experienced back when I lived in Berlin when I used to go around the botanical gardens and parks alot...

Is it like this for anybody else? Does anyone get very strong feelings and imagery from songs such as TBYF, Madrigal or Nectar?
all the time, its one of the things that draws me to Opeth. I also get a good deal out of Still Life, but from MAYH i get the most feeling from the song When. im not sure why but it just awesome. anyway, rock on bud
I get the most imagery from Still Life, which incidentally is my favourite Opeth album. Every song on there is really atmospheric.

In terms of MAYH, I also reckon that When is the most powerful in terms of imagery. Especially the end of that song... "When can I take you from this place...", truly beautiful stuff.
I agree that the end of When is very emotional, but that doesn't bring about any imagery for me... it's just really nice, but no nature scene pops in my mind. Still Life holds a bit of imagery for me (mainly because its a concept) but its just not quite that 'swaying grass, green trees, flowing rivers' kind of thing.
I don't think of imagery just as bringing up a scene... I like it when bits of music give you a feeling of movement... like that final bit in When makes you feel like you're jumping off the high diving board in slow motion.

Hey Moonlapse, is that an Ibanez GAX70? If it is... man, another Opeth fan who looks my age, lives in my city... and has my freaking guitar =)
haha, no it's not... it's an Epiphone 'Special SG' Model... fairly solid for my price range, but definately has nothing to do with Ibanez.

Hmm, well that's an interesting viewpoint.. but for me imagery in music is just that, scenes that kind of conjure up in my mind from the music... like what Peter described during the intro of A Fair Judgement on 3 hours of power last Tuesday.
I remember waking up on one morning, and still not eager enough to get out of bed...I stuck Morningrise on and climbed back into bed. I remember falling in and out of sleep, as Advent played in the room. So I'm kind of half-asleep, with the sound of Advent reminding me I'm half-wake. As the 'You are beyond all help...' riff kicks in, I'm dreaming that I'm flying through a nighttime forest at breakneck speed weaving through the trees untill the 'we are almost there...' bit kicks in...then I burst out of the trees into a massive clearing.

I must say, one of my most vivid Opeth experiences. Its almost like experiencing Opeth from within, before your mind takes on board the clutter of the day.
That's so awesome man... I've never had anything like that happen to me before.

Closest I came was waking up to that awesome lead/solo part in Serenity Painted Death while I had the album playing whilst in bed... and I gained a new respect for that part of the song ever since, since it just flows so damn well.
I agree with the idea of imagery. It's probably amusing to most of you, but when I listen to tracks like 'Face of Melinda' etc I get the image of a parlour or sitting room of a large mansion with an overgrown garden outside....

There are definitely moments that remind me of nature scenes. Hey Moonlapse, what part of Melbourne are you in?
Not really an strong imagery going on when I listen to Opeth songs.... more like abstract thoughts,concepts, and Ideas.

On the other hand though, while it's not visual, one of my favourite Opeth tracks 'Moonlapse Vertigo', almost always gives me a strong feeling of guess what..... Yup, VERTIGO!! :grin:

One of the most appropriately named songs EVA!!! (except for the 'moonlapse' bit :blush: )

You know the odd feeling you get when your falling in our out of sleep on the odd occasion..... like that, but stronger.
These are some very interesting experiences. Personally when i'm listening to opeth i just start thinking about random stuff. For instances i was listening to The Drapery Falls, and at the bit where the growls kick in I thought how too do this maths problem i was stuck on. Opeth open up the mind......