To close for comfort

My bro'-in-law lives a little way down the street from you, Dustin... right across the street from this moron, it would seem...

Some people, eh?
Ah, move up here to Sugarhouse :)

Value keeps going up, and if there are methlabs, they have proper halon systems (EHHE)..

Seriously tho, I know what you mean...some people care more abuot the quick buck than anything else..


PS: Luna, email me re: Maiden Japan disk :p
You have no idea how bad we want to move east of I-15!!!
WE used to live in Murray.... god I miss liveing up there!

We have it in the works to get out of the west side within the next year or two.... not to mention, there is no major highway access out here, it takes forever to get anywhere with the traffic!

Yo, Hobbes... not been intentionally ignoring ya or anything, but I'll be in touch about it just as soon as life permits. Time's not so much at a premium right now as near-impossible to find.

Dustin - I hear ya on the highway access thing. If I really need to get anywhere quickly and it's near rush hour, I'm fucked...