To Defy the Laws of Tradition


Lord of the Whisky
Sep 21, 2002
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What if christmas didn’t come this year
And no one paid for christmas cheer?
Who would cry the biggest tear,
The child or the store?
Why do brides wear virgin white?
Most do not deserve that right.
But to choose a color of their delight
Would surely bring on the frowns.
To defy the laws of tradition
Is a crusade only of the brave.
Suppose the taxman, he comes to town,
And you don’t lay your money down.
Yet mr. jones he killed mr. brown the other day.
Well I wonder, who’s gonna go to hell?

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

The intro (and whole song really) to this song is one of my Guitar Center showoff riffs. It also impresses teh wimmenz. :loco:
Good stuff for showing off. Les is the man. When I was in high school I managed to work out most of Jerry Was A Race Driver. That and "The Philosopher" were the best I ever got.
Necromunchkin said:
Good stuff for showing off. Les is the man. When I was in high school I managed to work out most of Jerry Was A Race Driver. That and "The Philosopher" were the best I ever got.
haha, I remember when Guitar School transcribed The Philosopher I learned it, and I didn't even like Death back then. Well, I didn't dislike them I guess. That Beavis and Butt-head ruled. "I'll HAVE A BURRRRRRRRRGEEEEERRRRRR AND FRIIIIIIIIIEEEEESSSS...." :lol:
Conspicuously Absent said:
dude.... that rules!!
Yeah people rag on Les' lyrics and vocals but I never knew why. I fucking love what he has to say, and how he says it. The man tells a good tale.
Perhaps my favorite lyrics of all time:

Why do we do this c.g. and i?
Every night vegetables,
Minds numbed up by thc.
I’ve got my pen, c.g. the remote.
Laurel and hardy’s the best bet at four a.m. on a friday
No dreads about the working day after though.
Funny thing about weekends when you’re unemployed.
They don’t quite mean so much,
Except you get to hang out with all youur working friends.
Well we got us a spegetti western on 36.
I like spegetti westerns
I like the way the boots are all reverbed out
Walking across the hardwood floors.
In fact, everything’s got
That big reverb sound.
Well what’ll I do now?
Go to sleep.
Pull the pud.
We need new pornos.
haha, I love that one. PULL THE PUD!!! :lol: x23u590813u590

The line "feeling 12 units shy of a bachelor's degree" was always my favorite line because I knew EXACTLY what he was talking about for about 6 months there. :loco:

Favorite song:

They headed southward from san francisco,
To be with chuckles and the others.
With electric in the air and peroxide in their hair,
They looked like golden brothers.
They drove a datsun, an automatic,
The radio blaring static,
He made a face into the light and burst out laughing at the sight.
The hysteria ensuing would dominate the night.
From all the candy, the seats were sticky,
As they were drawn into the grapevine.
Then introduce yourself came on as they barreled through the gog.
The demon puffing madly on a mentholated log.
They were tired, they were sleepy,
So they parked behind the roxy.
Adam left to use the phone, so he sat there all alone,
When adam’s voice come beaming through on the radio,
He started laughing...

Gives me chills every time. :kickass:
Necromunchkin said:
Why do we do this c.g. and i?
Every night vegetables,
Minds numbed up by thc.
I’ve got my pen, c.g. the remote.
Laurel and hardy’s the best bet at four a.m. on a friday
No dreads about the working day after though.
Funny thing about weekends when you’re unemployed.
They don’t quite mean so much,
Except you get to hang out with all youur working friends.
Well we got us a spegetti western on 36.
I like spegetti westerns
I like the way the boots are all reverbed out
Walking across the hardwood floors.
In fact, everything’s got
That big reverb sound.
Well what’ll I do now?
Go to sleep.
Pull the pud.
We need new pornos.
:kickass: :headbang: theres no tellling how many times these lyrics have circled in my head for the last what? *15* years?!
there's a "here" in there though, right before "on 36"