To Germany


Best Album of the Year
Dec 13, 2002
Olympia, WA
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Hey guys. I'm leaving for the airport in about half an hour to head on over to germany. I'll be gone until the 4th of august. Don't have too much fun without me. I'll try to check the board while i am there, but i will most likely have to catch up when i get back. Ok, talk to you all later. Wacken, here i come!! :D

medusa u should have arranged to hook up with Zach while he is in Germany, that would be cool.

And btw Zach have fun :D , but I'm gonna miss all our late night convo's :( but see ya when u get back!
SilentRealm said:
medusa u should have arranged to hook up with Zach while he is in Germany, that would be cool.

That would be cool, but I don't see that going to happen lol.

Anyway, some months ago I met a german girl in real life, who become one of my best friends, in a big music store in Germany. We had so much fun. I also played on a drumkit and it was the same as what Mike Portnoy has :D . That was the first time I met someone who I met online first, you know. It's cool.
back everyone. sorry medusa... would have loved to have met up but i wrote that half hour before i left so... didn't have much planning time. Mabey next year... we should plan a trip to wacken or something... it was awesome by the way. i'll be sure to post about my german adventure in the near future :D
The Yngster said:
Whoa, you just ran into her or was it planned? Cause if you just randomly ran into someone you knew online that would be very wierd o_O

Thats happened to me before, a few times actually. One of my Berklee roomates first semester was someone who I remember posted at frequently (way back in the day when the site first opened btw). I also regularly seem to run into Christina Ricardi (Stardust2112) at just about every SyX show I go to :).