to Lee (ur moscow trip)

Hearse said:
Every label is selfadvertising whore aswell... and the nastiest and most arrogant whore always wins :lol:
Nope.. they are called pimps :)
Hearse said:
Beside this was just a teaser, when the promo is out and full song on net, ohhh the horror... non UM board shall be safe... Darkness shall fall upon UM. :loco:
*starts to build a nuclear bunker*
Hearse said:
Just make sure Ivan taste the vodka first so you wont became blind :loco:

Lasse, to your attention - >
1). Methanol tastes exactly lie Ethanol
2). I don't drink that much.
Hehehe... But the problem is that methanol doesn't poison russians. We have ethanol in our veins, so when some methanol is swallowed what we have is just a simple chemical reaction Ethanol+Methanol = WATER + FART!!:lol: