To open-minded lads


Professor McKnowledge
Jan 12, 2002
Québec !
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Maybe would you like to check for the "band" called Era. The music is a weird mix of Gregorian chant with atmospheric rock sound. Musicians that participated to the record are Lee Sklar, Chester Thompson, Philippe Manca, Neal Wilkinson, Patrice Tison and Eric Levi. Isn't that Chester Thompson who played the drums when Genesis was on tour? Yes it is.

Here's what I found...
you can listen to some sample there

If you can find mp3, I'd suggest Era - Enae Volare for a great atmospheric thing... and Era- Era for some great melody and guitar. Tried those at the above link.


Edit: I found the official website:
Edit #2: Check for their first CD, called Era 1 :p The second one looks not so nice, but I have not heard it entirely.
They never played on radio here. My gf has the CD and I think it is really good. I wouldn't sit and listen to it, but I must admit this is the best atmospherical music I know. And I don't think that it is pop shit, as Phyre said. They woudn't have hired the english choir, and the music would have been done on computer, not with real instruments. Anyway, usually Phyre brings nothing to a conversation, whether he tries or not. Always shitty and arrogants comments.


To please our assholes, I corrected the music/musical thing.
Originally posted by phyre
Allow me to elaborate on this because you FUCKING PISS ME OFF.

My comment was not "arrogant" nor "shitty". It was a perfectly valid opinion (that added to the conversation; OMG! SOMEONE EVEN AGREED WITH ME! HOW COULD THEY! ISN'T ONDE ERIK ALSO "ARROGANT" AND "SHITTY" NOW?) and even had a fucking SMILEY at the end (WINK WINK FUNNY DONT GET WORKED UP ABOUT THIS WINK WINK) just so you wouldn't attack me. Not posting in the "New band" thread that is STUCK TO THE TOP OF THE FORUM SO EVERYONE WILL SEE IT is rather arrogant though, and your excuses are utterly invalid. Post the band there and I'm sure you will get comments. If you don't, well MAYBE NOONE CARES ABOUT THE BAND. TOO BAD. Posting a new topic in this way will earn you nothing but bad blood in this forum anyway, basically everyone is getting really fed up with it.


Shut up. Wether there was bad intentions here or not, everytime you answer a thread (at least in the IF forum), it is to bitch someone or something. You said nothing very constructive.... "OMFG it sucks. Basically it's just cruddy standard pop music with some chants on top in my eyes." What a good review, thanks...</sarcasm>

Ok read my post again: I'm only promoting and trying to publicize something that could be nice to some fellow. I did not ask for your review or anything, no one cares if you like it or not, yes it is your opinion and I respect it, but I have not asked for it, nor anyone.

So you think that creating a new thread for this is arrogant because there is another thread at the top that is dedicated to promote new bands. Well you should analyze if the thread at the top is doing its job. No one will browse their numerous pages, no one will notice the new post, and anyway no one will care or see it. Creating a new thread will expose it a lot more.

You should not argue someone that brings the truth. You can't beat my unholy power.

Originally posted by Samarkol

So you think that creating a new thread for this is arrogant because there is another thread at the top that is dedicated to promote new bands. Well you should analyze if the thread at the top is doing its job. No one will browse their numerous pages, no one will notice the new post, and anyway no one will care or see it. Creating a new thread will expose it a lot more.
What's wrong with you? We made the thread sticky so everyone can see it, and yes, people who come here often see if there's something new at that thread cause it's fuckin on top.

We would all be glad if you would show a bit more respect for this forum and its users, but i don't think it matters all that much in the end when your thread will get merged. :Smug:
Originally posted by Siren

What's wrong with you? We made the thread sticky so everyone can see it, and yes, people who come here often see if there's something new at that thread cause it's fuckin on top.

We would all be glad if you would show a bit more respect for this forum and its users, but i don't think it matters all that much in the end when your thread will get merged. :Smug:

... Siren I got very much respect with you, but damn I show respect for this forum and the vast majority of its users, but I think that sticking the thread to the top do not really change anything. Beeing at the top, we can't know if there was some new posts in it (must be registered and receive email), and we get used to see it, and don't care about it anymore. But a new thread will catch people's attention quickly and easily and won't stay month and month, only a couples of days.

You are right, it is *fucking* on top as you say, but I do not think it is a good idead to do so. We could categorize every post and stick them in always on top thread... but it wouldn't be useful. For the forum pic page it is useful, as a reference, but for the new band thing I do not think it is a good idea.

Anyway once again, no one is entitled to read posts that do not interest them. And even if he likes to read every post, he'll probably lose a few seconds checking this one, then go to some other one.

Siren I respect you a lot and I will probably think a second time before posting anything like that again, but again I don't think it should work like that...

@Samarkol: I respect you a lot too Samarkol, and that's why i was a bit badly surprised.. I'm really sorry if i got a bit over the edge, i didn't mean to attack you. Hope this bad moment won't change anything :)

I think i recall smt about rahvin saying he would replace the bands' thread with the forum pics' thread, and i think that'd be a good idea.
I agree that the bands' thread doesn't offer much up there, but since it already is, maybe it'd be better to post in there.
But well, if it stops being sticky it will get bumped with new posts which would be good :)

Again i'm very very sorry for behaving like that :err:

@phyre: calm down a bit :rolleyes:

Siren ( :wave: )
:eek: holy shit! rahvin's going to having a heart attack when he sees what's happened here. *gasp* it'll probably take him days to sift through all these news threads!

I won't even reply to you Phyre. I don't think I should waste a part of my life because of you. Same for Lutz or anyone who got nothing brilliant to say.

@Siren - There is absolutely no problem at all, I was the asshole in that situation ;) Respects.
