To the hardcore Edge of Sanity fans

Don't you guys fucking dare sell the Unorthodox shirt, it's one of the coolest shirts, plus one of the best EoS albums!
Hahaha! So true Hot Karl!

Either way, though as a general rule, I like when my shirts fit me well (damn me and my skinny ass and wearing mediums). Eitherway, I'm gonna see if I can make that shirt mine, seeing as I consider myself a hardcore EoS fan and all.
I wouldn't wear a shirt because it's "so freaking metal!!", no matter what band it was. I'd wear it because it's cool, look good and actually fits my body portions. Clothes must always fit, or you look like an asshat, whatever state of mind you have set against fashion.
Yeah, I was just basically saying wear comfortable, fitting clothes and don't follow those trends, kiddies. You'll end up kicking yourself years from now when the style is mocked on some VH1 special about trends in this decade. :), some of the dorky shit I wore as a kid.