To the mod who banned me from IMBB

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MetalAges said:
Please don't bring inter-board "battles" to, this is a place to hang out and have fun, not plot and plan or make threats to people. Thanks. owner

Chill out, Jeeves. This is the only way to get in touch with that culprit. But now that he knows I know, I will leave it. :)
I only posted this because it's not the first time I have seen this stuff here. It gets kinda old. I have nothing against them as much as I have nothing against you guys here but I would prefer no threats or anything like towards other boards whether them or anyone else. As far as " owner" for Solo, if it were a post from just some "dude" it wouldn't matter so much :) Besides it was erasable ink. Later guys.
MetalAges... I've been talkin to these guys for years. You're talkin to a bunch of pissed off, stubborn, metal heads. say what ya will. Wont change anything lest ya ban someone. A lot of people, inclusing myself, still feel that it was complete bullshit to do away with the General Chat section of the Maiden forum. How the fuck are you supposed to talk about Iron Maiden 24/7 for 6 years straight so far? So by getting rid of that, it totally fucking alienated a VERY large portion of their forum members, who now have left. Now when we go back we see hardly anyone we know. And most people have even been banned there just for showing back up. You need to understand where people are coming from first.
Actually I didn't do anything to deserve the banning. I was posting in the Talk Music-section only and everything was music-related. Someone just cowardly decided to ban me because of my history as a profiled GC member from the good old times. I was given no explanation.
Believe me I know the whole story and have heard it multiple times. I don't know each of you individually well enough to know who is cool, troublemaker, troll, etc. etc. so I'm not banning anyone except if people were to continue causing trouble here at This is a place to have fun, life's too short :)
Iced In Flames said:
MetalAges... I've been talkin to these guys for years. You're talkin to a bunch of pissed off, stubborn, metal heads. say what ya will. Wont change anything lest ya ban someone. A lot of people, inclusing myself, still feel that it was complete bullshit to do away with the General Chat section of the Maiden forum. How the fuck are you supposed to talk about Iron Maiden 24/7 for 6 years straight so far? So by getting rid of that, it totally fucking alienated a VERY large portion of their forum members, who now have left. Now when we go back we see hardly anyone we know. And most people have even been banned there just for showing back up. You need to understand where people are coming from first.
I think that even the mods get bored with that....and that some mods even would want the GC back...
Not sure if that's ever gonna happen though.....haven't posted on IMBB for quite a while now for the same reason I hardly show up idea what to say or talk about.
Some people are just being attention whores at the IMBB and can't follow some simple rules. People like Electric Eye & John Silver and others. You know who you are. Telling Maiden sucks on the Maiden board is really growing up thing to do. Or just starts topics that pisses other people off. Or just bash other people for no reasons just to get attention. Oh no, i got banned from the IMBB, let's go somewhere else to brag about it!!11 OmG, WTf!!!1
This is supposed to be for fun, whats with all the terrorism and trolling??
Tangerine Dreamer said:
Actually I didn't do anything to deserve the banning. I was posting in the Talk Music-section only and everything was music-related. Someone just cowardly decided to ban me because of my history as a profiled GC member from the good old times. I was given no explanation.
The good old times are over. Face the fact and deal with it.. you're just not up to date.
MetalAges said:
Believe me I know the whole story and have heard it multiple times. I don't know each of you individually well enough to know who is cool, troublemaker, troll, etc. etc. so I'm not banning anyone except if people were to continue causing trouble here at This is a place to have fun, life's too short :)
Beautiful post!
Unke said:
The good old times are over. Face the fact and deal with it.. you're just not up to date.

LOL... so you mean lets ban all the old members so that the n00bs can feel more comfortable playing with more What's-The-Best-Maiden-Song threads?

NO, the real reason is the group of real life losers who can only feel strong when banning people on an Internet Forum. They have no life outside the BB, so they have to let out the frustration somehow.

And because I know the culprit who banned me will read this, I have this one message: Go fuck yourself, loser. No wonder you're a bitter middle aged sag of shit. No one would like to meet you in real life, you're just one ugly motherfucker.
Oh.. did I forget to bow to you Mr. Longtermmember?

Of course those threads are boring like hell, but I didn't see you create anything more worthwhile. Let them n00bs live, because some of them are really interesting people, sometimes it just takes a while to let them show their qualities.
Iced In Flames said:
WHAT could you create that is more worthwhile I ask of you. Fucking everything has been talked about!
Oh.. you can post a pic of your ass in the Photo Gallery and start an offtopic discussion about it. Very interesting :Smug:
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