To those lucky ones (I'm dying with envy)

Kains D

Am I my brother's keeper?
Feb 17, 2002
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:confused: How is Katatonia live?
Which songs they usually play?
What do they dress like?
Do they've got any quirk worth noting?

I've got the Paris bootleg but it's not enough info. I would love to see them live.:s
How is Katatonia live?

Great! (most of the time)

Which songs they usually play?

As a matter of fact, those that are on the bootleg. At least at the moment. Before LFDGD came out, they also played songs like Saw You Drown, Nerve, Strained, No Good Can Come Of This...

What do they dress like?

Compared to the Bootleg "Live in Paris" when I saw them live I think they played better, but I can't be objective, due to the fact that at their concert I was too excited and everything sounded really great!
I read some live reviews where Jonas was criticized for not having a real stage presence...well actually he's very quiet, could seem cold and detached, but I think this attitude fits with Katatonia music, and the only important thing is that he sings well, I go to concerts more to listen than to watch (moreover i don't like singers who move to much or dance...)
As far as their look is concerned, they were all dressed in black ( as usual I think). I don't know if in their everyday life they always wear black cothes, but I remember that when I saw them before the concert had started, they were dressed like "normal" guys with no particular reference to a dark/ gothic look, a part from Jonas dyed black hair (I really think blond hair was better...).
Originally posted by MacMoney
Eucharist - Dissolving
You have got excellent taste.

I saw kata live last year (of was it this year...? Blimy how time flies...) with Opeth, I really enjoyed Katatonia, they skipped some songs I hoped they would play, like I Break, Dispossession and Clean Today, but then Murder was a very pleasant and unexpected surprise!
I´ve got to say I´m also dying with envy. Moreover, if you missed them in your own city a few months ago because because the gig was cancelled... That happened to me! :bah: :waah:
I have seen Katatonia 4times since -99. And it gets better every time. All four times they played "for my demons" and that song always blows my brains out...
From what ive heard (just the paris bootleg and some videos) it sounds like they do a fine job of playing live.. vocals can be notoriously hard to pull off live.. especially since Katatonia has so many harmonies.. but they do well.