To those who don't have or enjoy "Terror Abraxas" by D666...

haha. anyone remember that really old parrot program from back in the days of dos? You could like say shit and it would try and repeat it. But it always sounded all robotic. That was fun
Pyrus said:
Not as good as the full-lengths, but that's like saying 20 hours in a room alone with hot naked metal sluts isn't as good as 24 hours in a room alone with hot naked metal sluts.

You lie. Between Trialed by Fire, A Breed Apart and Terror, it's better than all of Cold Steel combined.

I have it on vinyl and CD. :headbang:
I do in fact love Cold Steel, and thought it was the best because its all i had heard...then i heard other stuff and cried like a little girl at the amazingness.
Thanatopsis123 said:
I quite like D666 but I don't own any because from what I've heard from the other albums, they're not as good as Terror Abraxas. If only they had more songs as badass as Trialed by Fire.
They do. Try songs like "Tyranny of the Inevitable", "I am the Wargod", "Cold Steel..." and "The Calling"
Well, it's the only full-length of theirs that I actually own. :lol: I recommend it, but "Unchain the Wolves" probably has more of the epic stuff.
Uncahin the Wolves is much more epic. But if you like stuff in the "Trialed by Fire" vein, try "Lone Wolf Winter", "The Birth of Tragedy" and "Rise of the Predator". Fuck it, just buy Phoenix Rising.
Thanatopsis123 said:
Oh fuck it, I need to just buy them all at the same time. That'll solve my problem.

Furthermore, it'll solve ALL your problems. Yes, even the eventual marital problems 20 years down the track.