To Warrel: That must be some good chicken


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004

:Spin: :Spin:

I ran across this picture a few months ago...something about the other guy being a DJ...or yea.
bleh, i can't remember.

But anyway, what is the story behind this photo?
It's so damn cute..and I think I just ruptured my spleen
:D but I think that picture is cute!!!

this is something for the rapture of the spleen/breaking of the ass :loco:

and this is the ultimate hottness \m/

thank you, fanpage :D
Tee said:
:D but I think that picture is cute!!!

this is something for the rapture of the spleen/breaking of the ass :loco:

and this is the ultimate hottness \m/

thank you, fanpage :D

nasty looking roots there!
that's the drummer from Blind Gaurdian, in 1995 we toured with them in germany, must be a pic of us in the catering room on that tour
Dead_Lioness said:
all I can say is...
I absolutely love the nose ring.

me too. if I had such beautiful nose like W or Steph, I'd have it pierced by now. but this way, with my Apache arrow... :err:
Damn, too bad I lost that nose ring, got anew one thats similar but with spikes, everything's better with SPIKES!
Sentient6 said:
that's the drummer from Blind Gaurdian, in 1995 we toured with them in germany, must be a pic of us in the catering room on that tour
HOly shit!! really?

I was waaaay off ;)
Its still cute as hell
That was posted by me..
I'm sorry Lordlucy....i know you don't swing that way :lol:
hahaha i have that chicken pic too! TEE awesome pics! :D
i thought about getting a nose ring but...meh it would look crap on me! spiky nosering...does it hurt when ya sneeze?