To whom would you designate the term "artist" to in popular culture?

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
I was talking to this liberal trollop on AIM, and almost puked on my Kielbasa when she referred to John Mayer as a musician. Such a title is a God damn insult to every other musician who has played an instrument with artistic integrity at the fore. Feeling pity upon this modern day Helen Keller, I linked the bint to tunes of "Traffic" and "Love". Seeing that she claimed to be a hippie that was in to psychedelia, I expected a positive reception. Needless to say, she didn't stomach what was being offered. She reverted back to her infatuation with Mayer's permed locks, and mentioned a cruise he's offering on his website. An 8 day voyage for hopeless harlots who long for the chance to have their rear port slammed shut by his S.S. Minnow.

Matisyahu, Radiohead, Los Lonely Boys, Chris Cornell, Tori Amos, these are popular acts that I'd offer the title of musician to. Cunts like Mayer, Gwen Stefani, Akon, GTFO!!! Nothing more than record label "yes men".
I share your sentiment. Despite their sub par tunage, I believe that what they are churning out, is their own work, and not that of some suit trying to push sales.
To stoke the fire a bit, John Mayer did in fact depart from his pop-rock ways and is much more blues-focused now. It was my understanding he lost a huge amount of fans by doing this. He's a decent guitarist too, really. Not a shredder or anything but he tries hard.
John Mayer's aiight ... he might have started with a commercial record, but he went backwards a bit and now plays more personal stuff ... albeit, more boring stuff. I am sure J would approve of his career move :loco:

I always thought early Dave Mathews Band stuff was great ... certainly great musicians, all of them
To stoke the fire a bit, John Mayer did in fact depart from his pop-rock ways and is much more blues-focused now. It was my understanding he lost a huge amount of fans by doing this. He's a decent guitarist too, really. Not a shredder or anything but he tries hard.

I agree. When he formed the John Mayer Trio and did the bluesy stuff. It was actually really good.

I cant stand the fucker though.
i fucking hate john mayer, his voice drives me apeshit. but the dude can really play a mean guit-fiddle, no questions there.

meh, anybody and everybody can be an artist. a bum pissing on the street can be an artist, given the proper context. refer to borges' "pierre menard, autor del quixote".
that story actually relates as well to music as it does literature...i mean what if, say, "pale folklore" had been released in norway in 1992? or if "waste 'em all" was released in 1985?

speaking of which, i still don't have the new municipal waste. i gotta go sacrifice an eye to odin for my failure to metal. :erk:
Those who create are deemed arists to me.

I dislike a whole fuckton of them though.

EDIT: hang on, she didn't like Traffic or Love? Have her killed.