today I heard what is officially the worst song ever recorded

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
This is the single worst song I have ever heard. It's so incredibly annoying. I hate the lyrics, I hate the vocals, I hate the stupid drums and stupid tune in the background. But the worst part is the chorus; again the worst I've ever heard. Everything about this song is plain awful. If this is considered music, then art has no meaning.

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It's bad, and it's empty-headed, but nowhere near the worst song ever recorded.

Also, what makes it 'official'?

If you wanna talk absolute and utter shit music, then this is a more suitable candidate:

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This was the first song I saw on European MTV when I came over here and while at first I disliked it, I eventually came to dig it and still dig it today. Strange.

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But the worst song ever recorded by the worst artist in the history of music would be this song and this man. Italians have horrible, horrible, horrible taste in pop music. He's like the Italian Bruce Springsteen over here, only The Boss fuckin' rules.

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this one is easy...

and everything else this cunt made.

*close thread*

It's shit, and boring and all, but nowhere near worst song ever made.

Gah, yes, that's definitely one of the most irritating pieces of 'music' ever made.

But the worst song ever recorded by the worst artist in the history of music would be this song and this man. Italians have horrible, horrible, horrible taste in pop music. He's like the Italian Bruce Springsteen over here, only The Boss fuckin' rules.
God damn I hate Italians :lol:

How many people are actually clicking play on these songs? I sure as hell ain't!
Oh I am, I'm a total disaster tourist.

Also, I



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