Today I tracked a girl that could actually play the guitar

TBH, I was expecting a lot more. I think that that playing was pretty awful actually.

I haven't tracked a good girl guitarist yet, but I've FOH'd one playing live. Her solos weren't that great (though miles better than that clip; it was just that she was a total Hendrix wannabe without really having her own style yet), but her rhythm playing was fierce to say the least. And I don't just mean that it was perfectly in sync with the bassist and drummer, she actually comped like how you see jazz players do.
Well, she´s not a pro, just a girl in a girl band. In fact she´s the drummer, but can solo better than the guitarrist. Anyway, by far the best female guitar player that I tracked. Pretty rare to see girls shredding around here.

ps: Not that hot, you perverts... and I´m pretty sure that she´s a dyke :lol: well, you can´t have everything :p
bleh, im not diggin on this at all. Why are good female guitarists so rare! Yes I actually want a reasonable answer to that question. If that solo were performed a guy, this thread wouldn't exist right now, and if it did everyone would be chiming in to complain about how much the guitarist sucks...but since its a girl its like "Oh well she's really good for a girl!"... It's like when people brag their 9 year old kid who totally sucks at guitar (like every other 9 year old kid) but everyone is impressed anyways.

I guess I'm just venting because there's such a LAUGHABLE difference between male and female electric guitarists and seemingly no reason why. I can't even think of any other skill where there's as marginal of a difference between genders as with electric guitar.
If that solo were performed a guy, this thread wouldn't exist right now, (..) It's like when people brag their 9 year old kid who totally sucks at guitar (like every other 9 year old kid) but everyone is impressed anyways.

True. By the way, I once tracked this boy. He´s 14 on this video:

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you know what all the next posts will be.... every member asking if she was hot and to post pics,:lol:

seriously though, her intonation is fairly poor there, to be honest. a combination of setting up the guitar and coaching her a bit... then maybe even using some tuning software if it's still off some... will do wonders.


but definitely room for improvement