Today I tried the Bogner Uberschall...


Apr 17, 2009



This is the like. The sound i've been hearing in my head. Played through a standard Bogner Cab (T-75's I think?)


I couldn't stop thinking about it all day.

If I don't sell my recto then I think the store near where I live said they'd do the trip for 900 trade, which is close to what i'm asking for in cash. Then this motherfucker is getting bought.

Note: I played the twin jet which Is the newer one I think. Apparently the mark 2 ones are much better but harder to come by and have a clean channel.

Is it worth trying the mk2? I have a friend who has one so I could get access to it.

Lasse has posted many beautiful clips of the Rev2 Uber if you haven't already heard them but his are modded
and have KT88 in the power section.

The Twin Jet is based on the Rev Blue ( not the Rev2 ) but has KT88 instead of EL34 and has an additional
presence control.

I own a Rev Blue, and I would advise that you get either the Twin Jet or the Rev2.
Yeah I tried the one with KT-88's. I take it the rev2 is the mk 2? I was amazed at the sensitivity of the tone controls on this thing!
Yeah I tried the one with KT-88's. I take it the rev2 is the mk 2? I was amazed at the sensitivity of the tone controls on this thing!

As far as I know, the only models that exits are :

- rev2
- rev blue
- twin jet

There was a model prior to the rev2 but I think it was very similar to the rev2.
My friend said he thought the Twin jet that I played was awful, especially compared the mk2! But I thought it sounded awesome! Is the mk2 better for metal?

My friends have just been calling it the mk2.

Claims he is the biggest Bogner fan aswell haha. He must have been referring to the rev2.

Lasse, post some o yer clips!!!!