Today is my last day here at IBM!!

like stalking Vescera and making him go

fooreeverrrr oOOOOOOONNNNEEEE!!!! ?

I'd totally go up there. isn't too far. I'd need maybe a month in advance to plan it out, though.
I still get tingles just thinking about that night Dan and I broke into the local Jerky Hut and caressed each other with a plethora of salted meats, from aardvarks to xerus' (they were out of zebra).
I still get tingles just thinking about that night Dan and I broke into the local Jerky Hut and caressed each other with a plethora of salted meats, from aardvarks to xerus' (they were out of zebra).

I still get aroused each time I pass by the Jerk Hut. Much like George Costanza did in that episode of Seinfeld.
" I find it to be the most sensual of all the salted meats. "