Todays useless post. If Prime won the lottery


Feb 4, 2002
Kids, I say we get a buch of us together to go to Cancune Mexico to see Anthrax play! uhhhhh, Anthrax isnt scheduled to play Mexico anytime soon but how cool would that be! I know its just a pipe dream but wouldnt that be hot! To see band we all admire rock out in a rockless town like Cancune! I can just taste the Margueritas now... I say we hire Alex as bartender, let the Maiden flirt with older men, listen to Justins, Obi one like stories of the Jew wars (see milanos sight) Let the Augdog spin somthing fresh, while Darbys daddy takes his turn baby sitting the kids, while I drink myself into a stupor laughing at the fact that I just one the lottery!
Just a pipe dream but damn it would be nice. All you need is a dollar and a dream.... Then again I'm a gready fuck and probably would take my winnings and go the the alps and fuck a bunch of snow bunnies!
P.S fuck spell check you all get the point.
Shit I could see that. I drink and baby sit all the time. Plus to see all the hot Mexican girls would rule. Plus I live on Mexican food.
As long as you get about 7 mil after taxes, that's all good. $2 mil for the starting spending, but make sure your bills are under $250,000 a year. You can live off $250,000 interest just if you put it in a savings account. $5 million interest is $250,000 per year. Where people get in trouble is buying the $10 mil house. Get a decent house, maybe a 1/4 mil dollar house, and you'll be fine. If you buy it outright, so you won't have house payments.
I don't play the lottery and I'm not engaged yet but how much do you think it would cost to have Anthrax be the house band of a wedding? Do Anthrax tunes mostly and covers to please the bitches.
DarbysDad said:
Dude I knew a bartender who was ugly and never suffered in the trim dept.
Poor guy. Alot of it depends on where you pour too. I pour at a waterfront joint with a clientele that ranges from underage girls with fake ID's to college girles to yuppie girls to rich lobbyist married women on business trips. Plus I'm not ugly. Anyone that's met me on this board can tell you that.
dude I said it wrong this guy was ugly and still got some. But I hear ya. I knew another guy who worked in beach area where everybody had a little money and he scored like big time all the time.