Todd La Torre

Jan 27, 2012
Firstly, I'm a big fan of Todd's. When I first heard him with Crismon Glory I thought he was spot on for Midnight. But after hearing the Halfway Jam with Queensryche and now Rockstad with Crimson Glory I really fear Todd has messed up his voice. He is really struggling. I hope it is a blimp on the screen. Has anyone else notice this? Have any insight as to what may be going on?
Todd himself hasn't commented, but I think that there was a lot of speculation that he was either sick or dealing with allergies at the Halfway Jam show, combined with all of the rehearsing QR did prior to the show.

He's been lighting it up on Crimson Glory's European tour over the past few weeks. Here's proof if you need it:

I wouldn't read anything further into the Halfway Jam performance other than it just being an off-night.
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Good to know. I thought he really struggled at Rockstad too. As a singer myself I know when you start putting harshness into melodic high notes you are trying to cover for not enough air to hit the note purely, and I notice Todd is putting alot of harshness into his higher notes and letting them fade off key. For me this happened when I over did it, trying to singer too many songs at the height of my range, really fatigues the vocal chords, so that was my guess.
The Rockstad gig was his 4th in a row (which is not unusal, but given the shoes he's filling, it's tough) plus the band travelled from Dusseldorf to Stockholm at 0600am and got no sleep the night before. (And no, someone else tour managed that part of the tour - not me!)
Between that and not having their regular soundman, he did a great job.
