"...Following the recent announcement of Riot V vocalist Todd Michael Hall releasing his first-ever solo album, Todd is unveiling the first piece of music from Sonic Healing in the form of the debut single “Overdrive.” The song is a fast-paced rocker that showcases the creativity that happened when Todd partnered with Metal Church guitarist Kurdt Vanderhoof. The video – filmed in Los Angeles – showcases the performance that Todd has been working on for years and unveiled to the world on 18th season of NBC’s hit television show The Voice...
...Written as the world shut down during the recent pandemic, Todd connected with Metal Church guitarist Kurdt Vanderhoof to write the tracks that would become Sonic Healing. The results of those sessions are the foundation for the album that will be released on May 7 via Rat Pak Records.
Vanderhoof also produced the album that is now available for pre-order here...."
"...Following the recent announcement of Riot V vocalist Todd Michael Hall releasing his first-ever solo album, Todd is unveiling the first piece of music from Sonic Healing in the form of the debut single “Overdrive.” The song is a fast-paced rocker that showcases the creativity that happened when Todd partnered with Metal Church guitarist Kurdt Vanderhoof. The video – filmed in Los Angeles – showcases the performance that Todd has been working on for years and unveiled to the world on 18th season of NBC’s hit television show The Voice...
...Written as the world shut down during the recent pandemic, Todd connected with Metal Church guitarist Kurdt Vanderhoof to write the tracks that would become Sonic Healing. The results of those sessions are the foundation for the album that will be released on May 7 via Rat Pak Records.
Vanderhoof also produced the album that is now available for pre-order here...."