Tom Cruise: The New Christ? or just a fuckin banana?


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
So everyone's bitching about Tom "The Christ" Cruise acting like Josef Goebbels and militarising Scientology. I watched the video. Doesn't strike me as anything more chilling or weird than your everyday Dianetics bullshit:


So he looks like the antichrist in those "left behind" books. So what? Here's that insider video:

Extra majour fucking boring's what I call it. Daaaammmmn! How can anyone blab so long without making any sense whatsoever?

I tell you h-h-hwat. He's got a future in American politics, if he doesn't try out for "Saviour of the World" first.

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I was just thinking, if I ever saw an accident on the side of te road I wouldn't even know how to get a scientologist involved, you know because they're the only ones who can help.

People should get portable xenu lights to shine at the sky.

Do white Aliens even name their kids Xenu?
we dont need a new Christ. the old one is fine.

as for Tom Cruise, he's flipped so far over the edge that he's standing back upright again.
The fact that he's gone bananas is anything if not helpful to a hollywood career! I mean, pretending to be Xenu's immortal lesbian lover never hurt Shirley MacLaine's career, did it?

Tom Cruise has a shitload of capital that he hasn't completely burnt up yet. If he remains a good actor to work with, then his notoriety as the reincarnated boddhisatva of L. Ron Huckabee, I mean, Hubbard, will help sell tickets.

But if he acts like a total prick on the sound stage, pressing everyone to surrender their nasal spray for the good of the children's thetans, then producers all over hollywood will force him to do Sci-fi promos out of Dubai!
