Tom mic clamps for recording


the kinder, gentler me
Jan 1, 2005
Any issues with those things? I've actually never used them before in the studio. I'm almost done with my mobile (hah) rig, and I'd love to not have to lug around more mic stands than I have to. Thanks!
I use them for a live/PA setting, as they eliminate a few mic stands around the kit, but never for recording. Not only does it change the resonance of the drum, but the drum resonates through the clip (padded or not) into the mic.
You will get some more lows due to th physical connection. This could be bad or it might be good depending on the situation. IME with higher toms that you are highpassing anyway it's not a huge issue.
These are super cheap and some of you make think they're ghetto, but I have these clips (came with a cheap set of CAD drum mics) and I think they are awesome. Very sturdy, clamp on the lug and you can use a long shaft or put the mic clip just at the clamp. The mic clips are ruber lined and the rubber pads on the clamp reduce noise and disconnect them somewhat from the drum...
Never realized that there were so many options in the mic clamp department... Thanks dudes!
I use 604s live and sometimes use them for recording when I dont have enough 421s. In this instance I use them on the smaller toms, they work fine.
i got something called THE CLAW! it rules. the trick to placing the clamp is to do it away from the tom and have the mic come in like it would with a stand. only issues I've ever encountered are the low frequency thing mentioned earlier (high pass/low shelf does wonders) and that the mic may fall out of the clamp if the drummer is really whacking the drums too hard for too long. Depending on the level of your studio/clients you may or may not want to use them. Definitely not something for a professional studio. For a home studio/semi-pro its fine. For me it is more of a space issue than anything.
the sennheiser clamps for the 604s are great. the best i have used so far. really sturdy and i dont think the sound goes into the mic through them. super light and small and easy to use. the audix mic clamps look good as well. also if you havent heard the 604s on toms, they are worthy of a look for sure. if the drums are tuned good they sound awesome.