

Jul 14, 2007
When I read about a hard rock band doing a bunch of covers of Indian folk songs, I was enthusiastic but aware it could go to either way. Thankfully, it turned out for the better. I love different music, and this is certainly different, though at points it resembles System of a Down with it's spastic mix of rock and foreign folk music. But all that aside, it's a pretty good album.

Tomahawk stays close to the original Native American sound most of the time, though sometimes the guitars are a bit overwhelming; it sometimes seems unfitting or just tacked on. Each song has a very different feel to it; there are downright creepy ones, drug trip-outs, weird tribal dances, and serene ballads. The vocals this release are appropriately low-pitched and scratchy, whereas the lyrics are sometimes in English and sometimes in their original speech.

When the album is over, it leaves a strange feeling. It plays more like a compilation than an album, and that's what it is, technically; cover songs or reinterpretations of many different, unsung musicians. Tomahawk does surprisingly well taking these foreign sounds and making them into their own. It's not something I'd listen to over and over again though. Still, it's great for an listen every once in a while.

Overall: 7/10
I couldn't get into this album, and I fucking loved the first two. I think my love of all things Patton is finally starting to wane or something.