Tomorrow, Taddy and Leffa

Originally posted by JannE
So I will see Tad and Lefay tomorrow at Wasteland, I'll try to write something about that gig instead of the never happend gig at Parkrock.

Yes, please do that! For both bands! Would be really cool :cool:

hehe btw.......Taddy and Leffa? Sounds sweet :D
Damn, im not abel to see them to. And I have a VACATION!!!!!!!!
Its about time for Lefay to come down to Norrköping and kick some seriuos ass...Or we will kick there ass seriously.;)


:rolleyes: Föresten, sa jag att jag hade SEMESTER!!!!!!!!! I tre jävla veckor!!!! :lol:
Wasteland, Gävle 5/7-02
Tad Morose - Lack of Faith - Lefay
Crowd: Apx 400
Rating: * * * * / 5

Just to point it out from the very beginning, I'm not a really huge fan of Taddy nor Lefay, I think they're ok but not something special. I do own some their cds (T - Undead & Matters, ML/L - Sanctified, P.F.F, Malefecium, 7:th Seal & S.O.S) but I'm not as familier with them so I can point out everything they played, but on the other hand, if you're into the show, who remembers?

My thoughts before the Taddy entered the stage were "how will I survive this, I'm drop dead tired and they haven't even begun yet!" And notice that, Taddy opened the whole evening, around 22.20, since they were supposed to play another gig in Borlänge at 1.00 the very same night!

IMHO Taddy were quite stiff and looked uncomfortable on the rather small stage Wasteland can offer. And beside that it seemed like that they didn't perform to 100%, it seemed more like they wanted to spare themselves some power for their next gig. Some tunes they played were: Another time Around, Matters of the Dark (without Chulle), Sword of Retribution and I Know Your Name. During Matters of the Dark one funny thing happend, Urban went out to the back to the crowd and then begun his way to the front of the crowd and stood there and headbanged and sang Matters to his own band. Damn strange sentence but you might understand what I mean, eh? And hey, have anyone noticed that Urban looks quite alot like the Billy the Kid guy in the movie "The Green Mile", which is a great movie?! The gig lasted ofr somehting like 45 min so I might guess that we got what the others whom saw them as an opening act on their tour got. All in all I give them * * * out of 5.

Lack of Faith was even stiffer and they play good music and have a great vocalist but the mix doesn't fit. They'll need a another singer and the singer need another band imho. Beside that, they'll need to move atleast a inch on stage. * * out of 5.

When it was time for Lefay I was REALLY tired and I had and argue with myself if I had enough energy to even stay in the building. Me left half decided that I should stay so I did. Afterwards I'm glad I did cause they sure kicked but that night. After just two songs I was full of energy again and could enjoy the show alot. You could tell on their faces that Lefay really enjoy the time they have on stage. Chulle and Peter were goofing around during the whole gig and the rest keept on with their headbanging and other quite sick things… During SOS Robin broke the pedal to his drumkit so we've got a 10 min one man show from Chulle where he tried his best to entertain us and after the "roadie" had fixed Robins pedal it was time for the next thing, now Peters guitar had some troubles so we've got even more of the Chulle show. To draw a line of conclusion, Edguy and Lefay are just as big goofs on stage. Some tunes that Lefay played were: The Boon He Gives, Malefecium, SOS, Where Gargoyles Fly, Out of the Silence (?) and End of Living. All in all Lefay deserves to get * * * * out of 5 cause they sure showed me how a band should act on stage.

Well, that was all I guess. Feel free to do whatever you wanna do with this text, for ex post it on the Tad forum.

Ok, bangalong!
Thanx a lot! \m/

I liked this part best:
Originally posted by JannE
During SOS Robin broke the pedal to his drumkit so we've got a 10 min one man show from Chulle where he tried his best to entertain us

Yep, I can definitely imagine that!

Again, thanx for taking the time to post your review of that night.
Yep, I can definitely imagine that!

Just to add it, he failed miserably! ;)
Na, he did what he could during the break, spit water on Micke!

Another funny thing I forgott to mention was that suddently the stringbenders dissaperared from the stage and Chulle stod there by himself and sang and suddently I fellt a bumb from behind and there they stood, behind me in the crowd and played and headbanged. That was really cool, my firend joined them in their banging but I just stood there and laughed instead of joining in, damn me. =)
