
Voted and waiting for the f-ing Senate results.

Lord, you'd think I cared. Eeesh. :D
Sorry. Have it in for a Senator at the moment and his idiotic comments about writers.

*wanders off with an innocent look still waiting for the final results*
Happy about the Federal results, but still don't like hearing the gloating. Pissed about the MD results. Why don't people get that divided government is better? Given recent history, we should change the name of the capitol city to Anarchpolis...
I got stuck working at Quantico, wouldn't have made it back home in time to vote even if I tried. (note to self: absentee ballots from now on)
Not going to mention the who's of the voting, just that I got out yesterday morning and got my ass to the polls. I may have been the only one in line under 170 years old, but I voted!
did my thang after work.

I'm torn. O'Malley is a great mayor... but his promotion gives the position to Sheila Dixon, who's a turd sandwich. /twitch.
Not going to mention the who's of the voting, just that I got out yesterday morning and got my ass to the polls. I may have been the only one in line under 170 years old, but I voted!

LOL no doubt; Westminster Senior home apparently had their little bus go the same time I did (before work), so yeah, I usually let wheelchairs/walkers go in front of me out of respect but uhm.. after 4 of those I said no more... lol

I needed to get to work sometime that day :p