Tomorrow's a big day for me


One of the Ancients of UM
At 10:00AM tomorrow,(Thursday) I go into the studio to start recording my new album, which will be the first I will be putting into wide release and genuinley promoting. I'm usually not this "up",(a.k.a. nervous) about recording but I have a new producer, lots of new material, and a new aproach to the way I want things to sound when the finished product is ready to roll. I'm really going to be taking a lot of chances on this one.

Wish me luck, folks. I'm in need of it!
Give us some updates. Since I don't write or record music - it would be interesting to hear a 1st persons perspective on the recording process: a time line of sorts - and not the stuff I see on VH1.
cool, i went to a recording studio with my jazz band with school. it was pretty cool. anyways, let us know how it goes. i want to hear it.
Good luck, man. I listened to some of the mp3s on a while back and really liked them. I just saw the "Aurora8" video(before it cut off) and really liked it. I would like to get a copy of this cd whenever it's available.

Edit: I just got the video to work, and all I can say is: :OMG:
Originally posted by Oyo
:eek: Jackhammer is great, is what you're recording tomorrow going to be on sale as a CD?

Yep! That's why this is so important for me and why I'm so nervous about it. Until now, I've only had a 5 song E.P. that I have sold at shows and over the Net. It was recorded back in 1997-98. I've always made the CDR copies of that and the covers and such myself. In other words, it's not a mass production run type of CD. I've gotten some radio airplay from it in some of the cities I've played and it's been a nice little promotional tool but it has never really felt like a real release to me.

I did record a full album demo a little over a year ago but I didn't feel that it was what I wanted to put out as my first wide-spread release. So, I scrapped that one. I left it at the demo stage and never really persued going into the studio and really laying it down for posterity. I have, however, considered putting it out in a limited release form. I would use the twelve tracks that were going to be re-recorded and add two bonus tracks from those same sessions just to make worth the price. I'd probably sell it pretty cheap, but then again, it would just be a collection of demos. There is some good stuff on it, though, and it would be a shame for some of those songs to never really be heard.

As for what I am starting tomorrow, it's a whole new project that I really feel great about. I am probably going to use one or two older songs,("Friction" being one of them) but the rest of it is all new material. It has been a year since I last recorded anything and my music has evolved alot over that time, thanks in part to influences I have gathered through my Metal listenings,(believe it or not, the works of Opeth, Dan Swano, Arjen Lucassen, and others are a big influence on me and the music I write. I've been listening to Metal for over 20 years, how can it not influence me?). This project is the real deal and will be properly produced and released. There are always pottential snags, but I am determined to make this one count.
Originally posted by OpethianSoul
Good luck, man. I listened to some of the mp3s on a while back and really liked them. I just saw the "Aurora8" video(before it cut off) and really liked it. I would like to get a copy of this cd whenever it's available.

Edit: I just got the video to work, and all I can say is: :OMG:

All I can say is THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!:D "Aurora8" is the real standout track on the new album. In its' full form on record it will be around 12 minutes long. It's a very very risky track for the type of music that I do. Usually instrumental acoustic music doesn't lean in the epic length direction but that's exactly what "Aurora8" is.

The video you saw,(at if anyone else wants to see it. WARNING: it's optimized for high bandwidth, if I'm not mistaken) was the first, and thus-far only, live performance of that song. It's a bit rough and I was very nervous when I played it, so I rushed it a bit.