Tone Test - AmplitubeMetal/EZD DFH

Is it just me or is there a crazy amount of artifacts from conversion?

Is it just me or is there a crazy amount of artifacts from conversion?


hi.. can you explain more ? i'm trying to learn the ampsim and recording stuff, i don't understand what you mean, my english is basic and maybe my files are a waste of time for you but that is why i'm asking for help.

thanks in advance :)
Did you listen to what was uploaded? There are a bunch of glitches and skips.

The lo-fi version doesn't have these problems. Maybe soundclick messed up while you were uploading.
aaaaaahhhh, i didn't know it
ok ok, well.. i'm not having that problem.. but maybe i will post the mp3 file in other place.
thanks for the info :)