Tone test (tsex30)

Sounds a little wooly in the low mids, cut around 250-500 to see if it clears it up, then you have a good tone.
Those guitars are heavy as shit. I think the mix works. It has a decently raw feel and I think it adds to the heavyness. I think the snare could come up a little in volume and use a little bit of a 200hz bump. What did you use to track guitars?
I used an EC-1000 with an EMG 81 in the bridge for guitar and I didn't have a bass on me so bass is pitch shifted guitars. That might be the woolyness your talking about?

Any comments about the drums?
Might just be the "bass". Every time I've gone the pitch shift route I've found that the 200hz area gets REALLY out of control with mahogny neck&body and an EMG 81 in the bridge. Compress it to hell and back and cut around 200hz (sweep it back and forth until you get rid of the boomyness). Also high-pass is your friend.

The guitars are so damn loud it's hard to hear anything else.
I think the guitars overpower the mix, but I absofuckinglutely love the tone! I agree with others, heavy as shit! And I'm a fan of huge sounding guitars, but this is almost too big... unless that's the sound you're going for. What settings did you use in your TSEX30? Just make sure stuff is a bit more level and I think it's great!
Settings on the tsex30 are all at 12 oclock except for output which is maxed and every button is activated except stereo