Tonsil removal and singing?


Jun 3, 2009
Enköping, Sweden
Hi guys, for some weeks now I've had some throat problems, and I've been reading around on the internet now since no tests show what this is, so basicly there's one disease(?) that I have all the symptoms of, this will end in some kind of surgical procedure and perhaps tonsil removal, anyone had there tonsils removed and can tell me if it affects singing in any way?

The other procedure is said to hurt more than giving birth, but hey, pain is metal I guess :kickass:
As far as i know it wont affect your voice(Except for the pain that "chokes" your voice the first week after the surgery.).
It hurts like hell (sometimes)..
it's 4 weeks since my tonsillectomy, but my singing did'nt get any better :p

(it did'nt get worse atleast)
Dr. Google strikes again. Go see an Ear/Nose/Throat specialist before you decide on something like this.

Yeah, I've been googling the crap out of this, not that I'm nervous, I just want to know how to get better as fast as possible :)

It hurts like hell (sometimes)..
it's 4 weeks since my tonsillectomy, but my singing did'nt get any better :p

(it did'nt get worse atleast)

Allright :) Well I can live without singing for some time, at the moment I can't play guitar since I get fatigued very fast, that... I CANT LIVE WITH :)

Thanks for the anwsers dudes, I feel I have full understanding of this now :)

I was about 4 years old when i had mine removed.
Real story:

The doctor: This won't hurt a bit.

4 yo Mutant: OK.

The doctor: Hold still... (cut)

4 yo Mutant: AAAAAAAAAAAAuch you son of a bitch ! What have you done to meeeeee !

Mutants Mom: (Ashamed turns red on her face)

I was 7, needed one week to be able to talk normal.
But tonsilremoval gets worse when you're older, my brother has many problems with his tonsils
and needs to get them removed, he's 25 now and the doctor said that he won't be able to talk normal for 2-4 weeks.

did that 3 days after the surgery, it was soooo fucking painful, didn't hurt very long, but the pain was at least as
strong as when I broke my elbow (into 3 pieces) so think about it.
I had it done a few years back, and I sing better now than I did then. You won't be able to sing for a few weeks until you heal up, but after that you should be OK.
my bands singer had his out- he's 23, and was grand about a month after the surgery. Didn't make him any worse
I had mine out when I was 19.

Not gonna lie- it was paaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinful. Painful as in I've had knee surgery a few times and would take that any day over a tonsilectomy!

The main reason it sucks is not because it really "hurts" when you're just sitting around but it's just excruciating to swallow anything. In other words, you're not going to be eating anything but soup and pudding for three weeks.

Honestly though, I never get tonsilitis anymore or strep throat, so I suppose that it was worth it.

As for singing, I was never great to begin with but no, it wont change a thing up there. Not that I noticed anyways.