Tonsillitis sucks..


Readin' me posts are ya?
May 16, 2001
Surbiton. The Posh bit

I had a sore throat yesterday and today my tonsils are the size of footballs. I can't eat anything without a lot of pain and effort.

I used to get this every couple of months about 10 years ago, and I was on a list to have 'em taken out, but then it just stopped happening so I didn't bother with the operation.

Anyway.. boo hiss to tonsils. What the fuck are they supposed to be for anyway??
Lee_B said:
Anyway.. boo hiss to tonsils. What the fuck are they supposed to be for anyway??

They're to prevent infections from getting down into the lungs, and that's why it's unusual these days for them to be taken out! All those kids who lost them when we were growing up - as adults they get chest infections at the drop of a hat. Better off asking yourself what the pain is trying to tell you (man)
Ah shite! My nephew had it too. He was having all kinds of soares every damn month before his mom got convinsed that the operation is unavoidable. Sorry to hear that Lee. By the way, did you receive a message from me with a short piece of mp3 attached? Hope you get better soon!
Best wishes
Hi Russell:) It's okay! how 'bout you my fine Sir? :LEE:
Probably gonna send you some lyrics more:)) Everything is nearly finished:) CHEERS!
Well, my fine sir, I just returned from fieldwork in Scotland, which was insanely hard work. Other than having to write a 4000 word essay, draw two maps, three stereonets and a shitload of other stuff in the next four days, I'm good thanks.

Excellent, feel free to send along lyrics whenever, once this work is don I shouldn't be too busy. Looking forward to reading them! :Lee: I am, however, on fieldwork in Scotland again for the last week of June, all of July, and the first week of August, with virtually no internet access :erk: :Sonm:

Oi, Lee, are you around anytime in June? Fancy meeting up for a drink or two?
Yeah! drinks sound good after this hardwork of excavating tombs in Scotland :))))):LEE: :RUSSELL: Sir! If you find an ancient poo carved into the shape of a Gabonian Dwarf, please don't forget to give it to Lee. He enjoys looking at them (the whole bunch of midgets above his fire-place) in between of homospotting hours!!
My left tonsil has been swollen for as long as I can remember. I lived on pea soup when it first happened. When I laugh really hard people point and go "ewwww what is that?" o_O
Hope you are feeling better Lee. I wish I could entertain you and cheer you up like you do me with almost every post I read of yours. :p