Tony BLair rocks


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
'You're going to go back'

Blair unveiled the tough crackdown on those who inspire Islamic terrorism and pledged to amend the Human Rights Act if the courts try to use it to block deportations.

Speaking in Downing Street, Mr Blair said he is ready to recall Parliament next month to drive the new laws through as quickly as possible.

He declared: "Let no one be in any doubt that the rules of the games are changing. People can't come here and abuse our good nature and our tolerance.

"They can't come here and start inciting our young people in communities to take up violence against British people here. And if you do that, you're going to go back."

The proposals include:

• Deporting foreigners who foster hate, or advocate or justify violence.

•Throwing out those linked to extremist websites, groups, bookshops or centres.

• Banning foreign extremist preachers from Britain.

•Closing mosques and places of worship if used for 'fomenting extremism'.

•Outlawing worldwide the condoning or glorifying of terrorism.

• Refusing asylum to anyone linked to terrorism.

• Stripping citizenship from extremist naturalised Britons.

• Banning extremist Islamic groups Hizb ut Tahrir and Al-Muhajiroun.
You know, normally I'm a pacifist, and a tad left wing at times, but after September 11th, and the attacks on Britain, I say do what needs to be done. I'm glad Tony Blair took these actions, and I wish Bush would do the same... as a matter of fact, some American citizens need to be deported as well. Send Michael Moore to Iraq.
Why's this so hard to do? Inciting violence is against the law in the US, Britain, Germany, even fuckin Malawi. Ya can't shout "Fire! We're all gonna fuckin die!!" in a movie theatre, and these cursed imams shouldn't be allowed to praise maniacal islamic living bombs.

Of course, I know why the towelheads never denounce or condemn these unemployed dirty swine. They, more than anyone, know these bombers are totally cuckoo, and if they say one fuckin word against the shrapnel-for-allah movement, they will be the next to die in a horrific crimson spatter on the far wall of the mosque. It's termed Self-preservation, my niggas.

Its about time the spineless left wing fucker did something!!!!!That fucker has been kissing the pig haters ass for long enough!!!!! Just to let you know Bill, Tony Mohammad is on his holidays at mo. and these fucking turd jihad mother fuckers are still spilling the shit all over Londonistan without being gagged!!!!!!!!!!!!TALK IS CHEAP...AS CHEAP AS A PAKI WHORE IN A BURNLEY BROTHEL......Thatcher would have beat the shit outa the muslim ihmans herself...........
on a lighter note im in Boston next week I CAN BUY THE NEW DVD!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :headbang: :D :D :D :D .

If the imams start bitching about this they should have spoken against the terrorist acts much earlier. I agree with Blair, if you don´t want to live in a place that you find corrupt, without culture or values - get the fuck out. Bitter bastards.
nik said:
Its about time the spineless left wing fucker did something!!!!!That fucker has been kissing the pig haters ass for long enough!!!!! Just to let you know Bill, Tony Mohammad is on his holidays at mo. and these fucking turd jihad mother fuckers are still spilling the shit all over Londonistan without being gagged!!!!!!!!!!!!TALK IS CHEAP...AS CHEAP AS A PAKI WHORE IN A BURNLEY BROTHEL......Thatcher would have beat the shit outa the muslim ihmans herself...........
on a lighter note im in Boston next week I CAN BUY THE NEW DVD!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :headbang: :D :D :D :D .


Do you guys miss the Iron Lady or what was she called?
nik said:
Top bird :D :D . She took NO SHIT from No FUCKER especialy the commie red bastards them jawa's would not have known what hit 'um if they fucked with THE IRON LADY...god bless her :loco: .

Yeah, I agree-even though I´m not British, but I judge from my "political observations" I think Thatcher kicked ass.
I'm British and think Tony Blair is a cocksucking limp-wristed gimp with a stretched anal ring as wide as Bush's cock and throat stained with the cum of Halliburton/Cheney but agree desperate times need desperate measures. Problem is it will never end until the UK get firmer and kick out American policy from Downing Street. This is the root of the cancer. Or even better, deport Blair to America and let someone with balls take over the reigns. Cut off all ties and close our borders from all countries and let us try and salvage our what's left of our British culture. Burn down fucking McDonalds, Starbucks, Borders books, Wendys, Dunkin' Donuts, a fucking goon Disney world being forced upon us.
olliezombie said:
I'm British and think Tony Blair is a cocksucking limp-wristed gimp with a stretched anal ring as wide as Bush's cock and throat stained with the cum of Halliburton/Cheney but agree desperate times need desperate measures. Problem is it will never end until the UK get firmer and kick out American policy from Downing Street. This is the root of the cancer. Or even better, deport Blair to America and let someone with balls take over the reigns. Cut off all ties and close our borders from all countries and let us try and salvage our what's left of our British culture. Burn down fucking McDonalds, Starbucks, Borders books, Wendys, Dunkin' Donuts, a fucking goon Disney world being forced upon us.
Then you will be eating grass and drinking pond scum because without all that stuff you would like to see burn , The British economy would dry up like you limey little nuts.
olliezombie said:
Hahaha, no I am sure we'd survive somehow. Are you saying the Americans made the British civilised? Of course.
No I would say we kept the British from having to go through all the trouble of learning how to speak german, But thats not the point the point is all these "american" things you have in your country add to the wealth of your country, McDonalds creates food for people to eat and provides jobs for the people to work, while I agree with most that McDonalds is shit compared to Burger king, just having those kinds of buisnesses in your country contribute to your economy. By the way what is that you do? what is your job?
Hawng said:
No I would say we kept the British from having to go through all the trouble of learning how to speak german, But thats not the point the point is all these "american" things you have in your country add to the wealth of your country, McDonalds creates food for people to eat and provides jobs for the people to work, while I agree with most that McDonalds is shit compared to Burger king, just having those kinds of buisnesses in your country contribute to your economy. By the way what is that you do? what is your job?

Maybe, but the contribution is only small. McDonalds is for children and retards who do not little about food. The food is commonly served by the ethnic minorities whom you assume a threat to the American way of thinking. I design websites, mainly band sites and work for myself.
johnnieCzech said:
Yeah, I agree-even though I´m not British, but I judge from my "political observations" I think Thatcher kicked ass.

She sure did.
She kicked the asses of the poor and working classes while the rich just got richer.She sold a whole load of nationalised companies only for them to be screwed up by profit orientated fat-cats.She destroyed the unions who were the only thing that stopped corrupt businesses screwing their employers.
Not to mention what she did to the miners.

Yeah she was fucking fantastic.This country is only just recovering from that bitch 20+ years on.
olliezombie said:
Cut off all ties and close our borders from all countries and let us try and salvage our what's left of our British culture.

Hurrah! Rule Britannia, muthafuckas!

Only thing for Her Majesty to do is to reconquer those recalcitrant colonies and forcibly restore Hackney's most heathen children unto them!

Let's paint the globe in British red once more! Tally-Bally-ho!
