Tony Iommi sees ghost, panic ensues

I've seen a ghost a week back. Trust me, it's the drugs. LOL
But the article says that the whole group saw it. Hallucinating of the same thing at the same time? Hmm.
I don't think it's as much about everyone seeing the same thing, as it is everyone seing SOMETHING and then afterwards they all reconstuct it in their heads to make eachother think they saw the same thing. Happens all the time. The scary part is how your mind can actually completly alter your memory of something, until you truly believe that that's what actually happened.
I've seen/heard enough things dead sober that I am convinced that ghosts exist, in one format or another. It may not be what we think, though, typically as ghosts. It could perhaps be some sort of quantum imprint. I'm open to a variety of possible causes and explanations - none of which are necessarily mutually exclusive - but I don't think there's any question that what we know as ghosts in terms of the associated manifestations are real.

Any place with a great deal of history, particularly castles, dungeons, etc. seems to have this type of thing go on, where perfectly boring, sober, intelligent, skeptical people witness ghosts all the time. I don't think it matters much whether or not the Sabbath guys were sober or not at the time, I'm sure they saw what they saw, it's commonplace.