Tony Martin fans

I've been waiting for this interview to come in for a while, and it was well worth the wait. Tony is a god and certainly one of my favourite singers.

He's been through a lot and deserves some good stuff to happen to him.
Tony Martin must be one of the most popular names for famous people. I can think of the following Tony Martins:

* Tony Martin, the singer from Black Sabbath
* Tony Martin, the star of such films as "The Interview" and such shows as "Wildside"
* Tony Martin, the comedian from D-Generation and Martin Molloy.
* Tony Martin, the rugby league player, formerly with Melbourne Storm and now with London Broncos.

Any others I'm missing?
Who here has the "Cross Purposes Live" album and/or video? I've read that Tony Martin was sick for most of this tour and thus not in very good form, but I'd still like to see or hear it. Can't be much worse than "Live Evil".