Too late for sorrow


Apr 30, 2007
Is there any BIG Firewind fan that can tell me if 'Breaking The Silence' is representative of the band. I only heard one album and the song sounded awesome in my ears. Is the band speeder, darker or its pretty a common song...
well, it's more POWER metal al says, but I would more say heavy metal influences from the 80's and 90's with the modern teqhnique in it =)

A REALLY good advice to buy their albums and listen to them!
The album "Allegiance" is more the way you wanted to hear if you like breaking the silence =) I would though recommend "Burning Earth", a MASTERPIECE!
well, because I listened to the old firewind stuff before allegiance released I too like the old album best, but Allegiance is in fact a masterpiece of it's own =)
Too right.

I have an opinion and I know a lot of people will hate me for voicing it (especially women)...but I don't think women should be in metal. Not as guitarists, drummers, bassists and definately not as vocalists!

xx Kirsty