
Originally posted by Pieguy
They wish they were a prog band, but really they're just a worthless pop-rock band.

:lol: that´s funny, you are stupid :lol:
:rock: TOOL :rock:
intelligent rockmusic, which I really love. It's sometimes welcome alternative for Black metal, which gets rather annoying after 10 CD's in a row.
Tool are shit, they dont even make music. i dont know why people call them metal either, whats the point of making crap music, Maynard can shove his fucking finger up his arse!!! peace of shit, why dont you just kill yourself!
Originally posted by _Transparent_
Maynard can shove his fucking finger up his arse!!!
Funny, I thought half his songs were *about* shoving things up his ass. ;)

I liked Tool's radio songs, but not so much the rest of the albums... except that one "Disgustipated" track. That one was hilarious. :lol:
Tool are one of the most interesting bands I've heard lately and though i only have two of their albums (Aenima and Lateralus) I can say that they are definitely one of my favorite bands. Brilliant music in my opinion. And I don't really care if they are metal or not as long as I believe that they are possibly the best rock band out there right now.
Tool are one of my favourite bands. Their Undertow, Aenima and Lateralus albums are three of the few albums in my collection I can listen to all the way through without feeling compelled to skip tracks or fast-forward parts (something they have in common with Opeth). The music they make is original, intelligently structured, and quite unique. As for wanting to be a progressive band - well, if they can pull off the intricate song structures without resorting to the self-indulgent fret-wanking that most prog bands feel compelled to inflict on their listeners, that's fine by me!
Originally posted by dill_the_devil
Undertow, Aenima and Lateralus albums are three of the few albums in my collection I can listen to all the way through without feeling compelled to skip tracks or fast-forward parts (

oh come on, are you saying you dont skip (-) ions and Cesaro Summability on Aenima? Die Eier Von Satan is a song i never tire of though, its like something outta The Terminator or something.
Actually Tool are a good band but they are far too overrated. I don't understand how they can sell millions of copies with their music - they seem to be the same phenomenon like Radiohead. Furthermore I don't understand why they are considered as "Metal" and "Prog" 'cause just some more distorted guitars and some 8 mins songs don't make them a prog-(metal)-band!

Nevertheless Lateralus has some awesome moments on it and the optical design is fabulous and can't be topped that easily!
Originally posted by Medion
Actually Tool are a good band but they are far too overrated. I don't understand how they can sell millions of copies with their music - they seem to be the same phenomenon like Radiohead. Furthermore I don't understand why they are considered as "Metal" and "Prog" 'cause just some more distorted guitars and some 8 mins songs don't make them a prog-(metal)-band!

What the fuck is a metal band????

I'm always hearing shit from people about certain bands not being metal. I've even heard people say CoF isn't metal .. I mean come on people ..wake up . Tool isn't all metal but they have some metal elements and they are much better than most of the shit death metal bands some people here listen to ..... who the fuck listens to C. Corpse .. it blows. I'm sorry if I'm offending anyone but they need new guitarist (not to mention they need a new band)

Some people just don't realize the time that is put into tools songs .... and I bet CC could make a fuckin song in 3 minutes ...with there stupid lyrics and all ...