Top 10 Best Black Sabbath Songs


Greekus Urungus
Mar 15, 2006
The Low Low, IL
Ozzy era ONLY.

Fairies Wear Boots
Black Sabbath
The Wizard
Hole in the Sky
Tomorrows Dream
Wheels of Confusion
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Children of the Grave

edit:Not in order
I haven't listened as much to Sabbath as I should, so I don't know if I could make a Top 10, but, A National Acrobat, Black Sabbath, Children of the Grave, Planet Caravan and Sabbath Bloody Sabbath are kinda good.

Also, this is my 666th post. I must now stop posting for a while.
Children of the Grave
Fairies Wear Boots
Killing Yourself To Live
Luke's Wall/War Pigs
Sweat Leaf
Symptom of The Universe
Sabbra Cadabra
After Forever
Black Sabbath
Into The Void
1. Black Sabbath
2. Hand of Doom
3. Into the Void
4. War Pigs/Luke's Wall
5. Children of the Grave
6. Lord of This World
7. Wheels of Confusion/The Straightener
8. Jack the Stripper/Fairies Wear Boots
9. Sweet Leaf
10. The Wizard (gotta throw this on there; I love this song)

The titles and order are both bound to change. Ozzy-era Sabbath was the shit.
In no specific order, cuz I can't decide lol -

Sweet Leaf
Children of the Grave
War Pigs
Electric Funeral
The Wizard
Black Sabbath
Into the Void
Wicked World
After Forever
ok... top 15 :p

black sabbath
war pigs
electric funeral
fairies wear boots
children of the grave
into the void
wheels of confusion
sabbath, bloody sabbath
hole in the sky
symptom of the universe
the writ
Entire Side A of We Sold Our Soul For Rock 'N' Roll (tape is the only version of it I have, and is the better one because iirc they cut FUCKING WARNING WTF off the CD)
Ah, the best era of Sabbath. It's really hard to pick just ten songs, but these are my favorites.

In chronological order:

  • Black Sabbath
  • The Wizard
  • War Pigs (Yes, it may be overplayed, but it's played as much as it is for a reason.)
  • Sweet Leaf
  • Embryo (Fuck you, this song should be longer than it is. It's that kickass. :lol:)
  • Supernaut
  • Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
  • All of Sabotage (Couldn't pick just one off the album, guys. I just couldn't.)
  • You Won't Change Me
  • Johnny Blade
Man, this is gonna be tough. I guess it helps that it's only the Ozzy era. Anyways,

Black Sabbath
Sweet Leaf
Teh Wizard
Electric Funeral
Symptom of the Universe
Into The Void
War pigs

It's in no order. But Black Sabbath is defiantly on the first five.
Don't know about top ten, but ten songs that I can name soonest:
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
Tomorrow's Dream
(last song on Volume 4)
National Acrobat
Symptom of the Universe
The Wizard
I don't know, into the void, black sabbath, and random songs from Sabotage.
Yeah, I guess I'm bored enough...

Under the Sun
Black Sabbath
Hand of Doom
Electric Funeral
Into the Void
Hole in the Sky
War Pigs
Children of the Grave
Lord of This World
Symptom of the Universe