Top 10 Reasons to see Dream Theater live...

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
Top 10 Reasons to see Dream Theater:

10. You need to catch up on your sleep.
09. You bet one of your friends $500, during a drunken stupor, you could sit through two hours of James LaBrie singing.
08. It’s better than being sodomized by armadillos.
07. You’re gay, and you’re looking for venue with less chicks than a gay bar.
06. There’s speculation, within the medical community, that 42 minute keyboard solos may cure gingivitis.
05. For one night only, filling in for James LaBrie… anyone.
04. You thought that 738-piece drum kits were only urban legend.
03. In a “Sophie’s Choice”-like scenario, you’re given the option of watching either Dream Theater or “The English Patient”.
02. You’ve never heard anyone play a 22-string bass.

and the Number 1 reason to see Dream Theater live…

01. You are Fran Drescher and you love to hear your older brother James sing.
Granted I like Dream Theater, not so much their new album, but that was fucking hiliarious!!! Zod I must say I love your style of comedy.
General Zod said:
Top 10 Reasons to see Dream Theater:

10. You need to catch up on your sleep.
09. You bet one of your friends $500, during a drunken stupor, you could sit through two hours of James LaBrie singing.
08. It’s better than being sodomized by armadillos.
07. You’re gay, and you’re looking for venue with less chicks than a gay bar.
06. There’s speculation, within the medical community, that 42 minute keyboard solos may cure gingivitis.
05. For one night only, filling in for James LaBrie… anyone.
04. You thought that 738-piece drum kits were only urban legend.
03. In a “Sophie’s Choice”-like scenario, you’re given the option of watching either Dream Theater or “The English Patient”.
02. You’ve never heard anyone play a 22-string bass.

and the Number 1 reason to see Dream Theater live…

01. You are Fran Drescher and you love to hear your older brother James sing.

Wow man you nailed it.

I have seen them live 14 times, I must have it bad huh LOL Still the best live band I have ever seen, bottom line.

Bear said:
I have seen them live 14 times, I must have it bad huh LOL Still the best live band I have ever seen, bottom line.
I'd say they're definitely one of the tightest bands live. However, it's not really the type of high-energy performance I want out of live show.

I know it's been said that Dream Theater will never play Progpower because they are too big, but I hope Glenn booked them anyway now just to piss you off.:tickled:
dargormudshark said:
The only one that didn't really catch was the bass part. Myung has never gon above 6 strings, which is average for prog-metal, and the stick isn't bass. Everything else was great though!
5 and 6 string basses have always been a pet peeve of mine. Myung is a great bass player, no doubt. But can you tell me that the music is better because of two additional bass strings? It just seems arrogant.

adaher said:
I know it's been said that Dream Theater will never play Progpower because they are too big, but I hope Glenn booked them anyway now just to piss you off.:tickled:
I'm usually drinking when the headliners are on. Dream Theater headlining (not that it would ever happen) wouldn't effect my ProgPower routine in the slightest.:loco:

hehe, good shit Zod. While i'll admit I absolutely love 3 of DT's cd's, and 1 song off of 6Doit, the rest of it does nothing for me. I've seen DT probably a dozen times and that's enough for me. One of 2 bands i've actually fallen asleep during a show (Saxon was the other in the 80's).
Evil said:
actually i have a great sense of humor... that shit just ain't funny...

next time i mock the shit out of a band you love, i guess i get a pass huh??

Uh, yeah. See, I don't bother defining the worth of the bands I love based on what people on the frickin' internet think or say. You should try it, you'll soil less underwear that way.

:lol: x the number of boring scales Petrucci wanks away with at any given time.
MadeInNewJersey said:
Uh, yeah. See, I don't bother defining the worth of the bands I love based on what people on the frickin' internet think or say. You should try it, you'll soil less underwear that way.

:lol: x the number of boring scales Petrucci wanks away with at any given time.

thanx for the tip.. ill file that away in the useless info file
Evil said:
actually i have a great sense of humor... that shit just ain't funny...
Well, so far, most of the people who responded to this thread seem to think it's funny (including the Dream Theater fans). But regardless of whether it is or isn't funny, isn't really the point. It was intended as a joke.

Evil said:
next time i mock the shit out of a band you love, i guess i get a pass huh??
Of course you get a free pass. And not just the "next time". You get a free pass everytime you want to "mock" my favorite band. So does every single person on the internet. Because, why would I possibly care if someone I've never met "mocks" my favorite band?

By the way, my favorite band is Nevermore. Feel free to mock them till your heart is content.

Aw man, I hate to see threads like this.. it's always ugly on both sides.

Personally I love Dream Theater and consider them one of the best live bands I've ever seen. Of course, I'm not always looking for a fast-paced show. As far as "high energy" I suppose that depends on who you ask. While I may have a ton of fun at a DT show, the dude sitting next to me might be bored out his mind. C'est le vie!

For what it's worth, I love seeing Dream Theater live, and I do like seeing someone play a 738-piece drum kit. :p