Top 40 moneymakers in 2011

I'm not surprised by roger waters. I read he makes roughly $1 million for each show. When I wanted to see him in Chicago I think the tickets started at $180.
I'm surprised Michael Jackson isn't higher up the list... doesn't the estate still own the Beatles catalogue or did they get rid of that?

EDIT: Read the rest of the list, I guess Paul McCartney got his rights back...

Surprised to see Rush on the list.

I was happy to see them so high on the list. They truly are a money making machine these days, seemingly much more content to be on the road and to take their sweet time between albums. I saw them twice on this most recent tour - great show if you can catch it.

I recently read an interview with Alex about the new disc and how it's probably now being pushed back till 2012 (hopefully in the studio this September) instead of the originally discussed 2011 release date. Alex and Geddy have been writing and Neil has been rethinking his concept for the disc; he's already considering rewriting some of the lyrics for the already released songs "Caravan" and BU2B.
I honestly thought these artists made much more.. I figured the lower 40 would be making XX,000,000, and higher making more like XXX,000,000 ish...
god damn i want to kill myself. those people are so ridiculously lucky.

and im not.

(disclaimer: no im not actually going to kill myself lol)
you motherfuckers will never get me to stop blastin'
your better off asking Ariel Sharon for compassion
your better off begging for twenty points from a label
your better off battling cancer under telephone cabels
[Immortal] Technique chemically unstable, set to explode
foretold by the dead sea scrolls written in codes

so if your message ain't shit, fuck the records you sold

'cause if you go platinum, it's got nothing to do with luck
it just means that a million people are stupid as fuck
UEAK: they aren't lucky. They worked much harder and longer for it than you.

justin bieber? lol

no, I know they worked and work really hard, but still. I'm sure there are many people out there that have worked just as hard and are just as talented and still aren't making even a fraction of that sort of cash.
I just don't get why any person needs that much money to begin with. In a system, all they do is fuck up the balance for other people.

Too much money and you lose perspective on what is real joy in life. Once you do that, you get thrown down into depression because you think life has nothing more to offer once you've realized you can buy just about anything. No wonder so many famous rich as fuck people turn to drugs because drugs make you actually feel something. And once hooked, they're fucked.

No thanks, I'm happy as long as I feel I can take care of myself without starving at the end of the day.