top 5 reasons to be happy......


Dictator of Laughter
Mar 28, 2004
Bold Savage Land ENGLAND
1. I'm still alive. :Spin: .
2. Billy's website. :headbang: .
3. Spiderman 2. :worship: .
4. I got a hottie lined up for friday night. :Smokedev: .
5. I'm not fucking French :D .

come on chaps tell me your top 5 ? dont be shy now? lets have some fun?
NO MORE RAG HEAD BASHING FOR A WHOLE WEEK....just like the man said 'my hatred' RESPECT.
nik said:
1. I'm still alive. :Spin: .
2. Billy's website. :headbang: .
3. Spiderman 2. :worship: .
4. I got a hottie lined up for friday night. :Smokedev: .
5. I'm not fucking French :D .

come on chaps tell me your top 5 ? dont be shy now? lets have some fun?
NO MORE RAG HEAD BASHING FOR A WHOLE WEEK....just like the man said 'my hatred' RESPECT.

no jawa bashing? i dont know nik.................................

#5) my new job, more money, better hours
#4)my band, brutal music rocks
#3) Megadeths new album doesnt suck as bad as the last 3
#2)Im many hundreds of miles from pedophile land
#1) im not fucking french.................
5 reasons to be happy:

1. M.O.D. is still around
2. Billy is not dead yet
3. My bands CD's out(BEARTRAP/CUNTS splitCD)!
4. HELLWITCH will play a show in Florida - finally!
5. The "Klute" DVD I bought kicks ass :D
1.) My family :D
2.) Beer and lots of it :Spin:
3.) I have a job that pays my bills :p
4.) Music(it keeps me going and my attitude in check) :worship:
5.) My drums so I can beat the shit out of them instead of people :yell:
6.) My girlfriend
7.) Billy Milano because he released legendary metal cds :worship:
8.) Hockey fights ALWAYS make me happy :D
9.) Our military because I have lots of friends and family overseas and the fact they do what no one else is willing to do. GOD BLESS THEM AND HOPE FOR THEIR SAFE RETURN! :worship: :worship: :worship:
10.) Deftones. I have drank myself blind with those guys several times and they are always way cool to me aside from writing badass album after bad ass album and they always get me backstage and let me hang out!!!!! :D :) :D :)
Revised list................
1. Living on a island.......I am far away from them fucking pedo, ungratefull western european gay male hairyass females, jackson loving FUCKERS yeah thats you scum in holland, belgium, france, austria (dodgy nazi fucks) and all the rest even fucking spaniards.....
2.I'm English.................Not fucking european.....£££££ no euro shit
3.Americans.................freinds, family, ......fuck it I'd even vote to be the 51st state & lose my Englishness just to fuck you european ass bandits off.
4.Two World Wars one World cup......
5.Freedom of speach.(or internet typing to a certain degree..unless you up set the powers that be.........liberal gay loving veggie fucks)

PISSED OFF TODAY CAN YOU TELL.........................
I give England a bad name....yeah i'm a shavern haired football jonny says "AND I DONT CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

peace and god be with you...............
nik said:
Revised list................
1. Living on a island.......I am far away from them fucking pedo, ungratefull western european gay male hairyass females, jackson loving FUCKERS yeah thats you scum in holland, belgium, france, austria (dodgy nazi fucks) and all the rest even fucking spaniards.....
2.I'm English.................Not fucking european.....£££££ no euro shit
3.Americans.................freinds, family, ......fuck it I'd even vote to be the 51st state & lose my Englishness just to fuck you european ass bandits off.
4.Two World Wars one World cup......
5.Freedom of speach.(or internet typing to a certain degree..unless you up set the powers that be.........liberal gay loving veggie fucks)

PISSED OFF TODAY CAN YOU TELL.........................
I give England a bad name....yeah i'm a shavern haired football jonny says "AND I DONT CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

peace and god be with you...............

fuckin A dude that has to be one of the coolest thing ive ever seen posted
1. I have 2 great dogs who are my buddies, my family and the best part of everyday.
2. I am about to move to Austin Texas, have a nice apartment for now soon a house. Start a new band with a Dung Collector, eat awesome amounts of bar-b-q and mexican food, not to mention mexican women.
3. I am finally going to put my car back on the road. It was in storage for 3 years.
4. I just paid off all my debt and now I have only uncle sam to deal with. Can't wait.
5. I want everyone to know that Scott Ian came through for me and Allowed me to put together the Ulimate SOD- DVD/live cd collection for all the fans that have supported and been there for us. So I guess Scott if you read this, Respect and apologies to you for returning the friend in need card. I guess I'll leave Chuck alone too. So- I'll see you at the Christmas premier in New York city of SOD-route 666 south-->Park of Heaven!!
Thats awesome Billy! We all got something to be happy about now! The Ultimate SOD-DVD collection will now replace my number 3 fuck that fucking job anyway(but i will be needing it to buy the SOD collection though). Thats is so awesome, can't wait to tell my brother about it! Is there going to be some unreleased stuff also? Glad to hear that you guys are on speaking terms(well at least you and scott) too! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
another S.O.D dvd :worship: :worship: . hey Bill do a M.O.D also :headbang: .
speak english or live was minter that podium dive fuck me you mad bastard.
kill yourself the movie was da fuckin bong ma fuckin wigga.
I'm gonna kick back and open a red stripe and become a chilled chap again
Buzzard said:
5. I want everyone to know that Scott Ian came through for me and Allowed me to put together the Ulimate SOD- DVD/live cd collection for all the fans that have supported and been there for us. So I guess Scott if you read this, Respect and apologies to you for returning the friend in need card. I guess I'll leave Chuck alone too. So- I'll see you at the Christmas premier in New York city of SOD-route 666 south-->Park of Heaven!!

1. Another official S.O.D. CD/DVD release!!! But when? 2006? 7 Years between releases? I hope it won't take that long. I have some great livestuff, so Billy, if you need stuff just contact me.
2. Bought a Metallica bootleg DVD today, recorded in Den Bosch (Holland) in 1992, released on DVD in 2004. I was there (in 1992) in the snakepit and... I'm on that DVD. The quality (sound and lost of camera's) is great, but to have a DVD with Metallica and me in the snakepit makes me even happier.
3. It's summer-holiday. In 4 weeks I'll have to go to work again. Now I can work in my garden, enjoy the weather, do what I want.
4. Recently got an S.O.D. rehearsal from 1985, sounds okay and I hope to find lots more S.O.D. stuff.
5. Having a beer right now.
1 i work with the most metal person there is on the most metal project
2 my girlfriend loves anal
3 my girlfriend's tits got huge
4 my house is finaly coming together
5 I'm french and enjoy hangin out with everyone who doesnt give a fuck about that!
(if i didnt tell you, you wouldnt even know i was french)
1) my companys stock split 2 for 1 so I made a shit load of $$$$$$$. Now I can buy a real house
2)my first born was a boy
3)the asshole I work with just quit
4)football season is right around the corner
5)the asshole I work with just quit.

SOD-route 666 south-->Park of Heaven!! funniest title yet
muffytheVampirelayer said:
1) my companys stock split 2 for 1 so I made a shit load of $$$$$$$. Now I can buy a real house
2)my first born was a boy
3)the asshole I work with just quit
4)football season is right around the corner
5)the asshole I work with just quit.

SOD-route 666 south-->Park of Heaven!! funniest title yet

Good for you Muffy! Congrats on the ass load of cash, good luck on your hunt for a house! if you have too much cash send some my way!!! hehehehe
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Good for you Muffy! Congrats on the ass load of cash, good luck on your hunt for a house! if you have too much cash send some my way!!! hehehehe

Thanks man. I really had nothing to do with it, I just got really lucky working for a great AMERICAN COMPANY. I am happy that I will be able to buy a house for my son, and quit sending my landlord to HAwaii every year. Thanks again bro
Got the greatest shirt in the world today!
And I will sport it as much as possible.
M.O.D. for president. Ahhh, maybe Billy for president, eh?

1. MOD shirt
2. MOD shirt
3. MOD shirt
4. MOD shirt
5. MOD shirt
