Top 5 Things to Throw at Kyle Sandilands


Sep 4, 2002
Without the Darkness
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well don't be a flaming homo and tell us the story my boy!

who are always demanding stories.
what are you, 5 years old?! :p :Smug:

anyway, Once Upon A Time -back in 05 or so- I was invited to a private party in Sydney by one of my old clients whom I used to do security for back in 1999/2000 and had still stayed acquianted with.
Well, it was a typical Sydney socialite party full of wannabe celebtraties and some of the so called upper crust, whilst I spent pretty much all of the night with friends whom I knew from my time in the fetish scene or had work with or for previously. The level of wankery there was unbelievable, so spent most of the night outside.

When I did happen to venture in, was by the food table where Sandilands was, spouting off some bullshit on his opinion on something and it was so grating on my slightly drunken nerves (for I was still drinking back then) that I picked up a wineglass and was luckily stopped by two friends who took me back outside to sober up and avoid the fuckwits inside.

now, there is your bedtime story, Little Terry, now be a good boy and get some sleep. :p :Smug: