
Yeah, I thought it weird that DR Who was due to be back, and Torchwood turned up on another channel at the same time.
Torchwood (n):

Unnecessary spinoff from the far superior new Doctor Who series, which promised much, delivered little, disappointed many and brought a new meaning to the word vomit.

Think of it as CSI Cardiff with a dash of X-Files, full of gratuitous sex, violence and swearing to make up for the lack of story or characterisation. I watched nine of the thirteen episodes they've made so far and almost liked three of them. The less said about the other six, the better.

It's on Channel 10 because ABC passed on it. It really belongs on SBS very late at night, but I don't they could be bothered either. Watch Life On Mars instead and thank me later.

Oh, and Ten's grammar continues to shit me. It's not "The man THAT can't die", it's "the man WHO can't die". All of their show promos drive me nuts actually. They give completely misguiding details about the plot, and constantly switch between a dramatic male voice and a whispery female voice. Who's idea is that anyway?