New Metal Member

It's finally here! we are wanting to bring an even bigger storm to you in the way of our first full length Album, Chapter 2: The Storm Is Here!

BUT we need all the help we can get!

so we have started a Crowdfunder on Kickstarter!

if you have some spare time, check out the video we made for it, its on the link below, it will tell you EXACTLY what this means to each of us.

we have put a LOAD of rewards up for backers and we think we have something for everyone! if theres something you fancy thats not up there, throw us a message and we will make it happen!

in the meantime if everyone can share this for us it would mean the world to us!

lets get this storm going properly eh?


Sure about that? From their Kickstarter:
We describe ourselves as 'Electronic Tribal Metalcore' we combine the heaviness and the huge breakdowns of Hardcore Metal with thunderous tribal percussion and an arsenal of Electronic samples. Along with our dual vocal attack consisting of screams, rap and cleans with our big, anthemic, singalong choruses, we have created a sound that we believe the scene needs where metal is becoming difficult to distinguish.
we take our main influences from:

Emmure, Dead By April and Ill Niño.

We appreciate your support Vergard, your words mean alot to us
Welcome to our friendly forum. Come, have a seat ...
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Reactions: dwellerINTHEdark
Top work on keeping the metal scene alive guys and trying to spread positivity. This post was put up on a metal COMMUNITY which means a group of people that help one another and encourage. If you don't wish to help because it's not your cup of tea that's of course totally cool, but refrain from simply spreading negativity if thats all you have to say. We don't have time for that kind of behaviour as we bust our arses to make the music we love. Listen to your mother when she tells you if you ain't got something nice to say don't say anything at all.
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Reactions: TechnicalBarbarity
Is there a specific section for kickstarter campaigns? General metal discussion made sense so it wasn't put up somewhere that might piss off seems I couldn't sidestep that here either.
It seems to me that there is only one person in this thread who's "pissed off" and i highly doubt it's any of us "snowflakes". Anyway, we might not be the nicest bunch around but you might just like it here if you stick around ... and grow some thicker skin ;)