(This is taken from my posts at the Dreamtheater.net forums:
I was there.
And let me tell you, that one was HELL of a show!!!!!!!
Hmm, where to start....
Travellin War were a bunch of drunken pirates that could barely entertain anyone and had songs that sounded all the same.....Seven Witches was basically the same except they decided to rip off Metallica......"Metal Messiah"? give me a break. The lead singer also went on to say that "he wouldn't want to live in Canada because he isn't used to 8 months of winter"
what a dumbass.
But, SX came on and totally blew them (including us) away. They played a little intro on the keyboards which incorporated the chorus chords of Inferno, and then they just blew into it!
I was standing about 2 or 3 from the front between Russ and Mike Lepond. I was wearing an Oddysey t-shirt (which kicks ass btw).
You might have seen me because it was always me and my friends that always started the mosh pits!
It was sooooo funny!we were going nuts and everyone else was like.....umm what are you doing.........hahahahah...we moshed to Sea of Lies, Evolution, and of Sins and Shadows I think...
btw, did anyone see the stupid indian guy with long hair wearing a jean jacket that was bending down and looked like he was sniffing some gasoline or something?
I was going to kick that guys ass! He came behind my friend and I thought he was lighting his pants on fire.....
That Imperial March thing was AMAZING! I especially liked Romeo and LePonds solos....KICK ASS
After the show, my friends and I started the ennnncooreeeeeee.....encorrrrrreeeee chant.....and the *clap clap* symphony *clap clap* symphony! chant as well.......then when they came back on, I was like of sins and shadows! And Russ heard me and he was like, yeah you'd like that! hahahah
Then afterwards, I saw Rullo of in the corner putting his shirt on....so I was like come on...............come on!!!!!! and he came over! haha he handed me a drumstick and signed my Oddysey booklet. He shook my hand and said thanks for coming out. He was really down to earth.....a really nice guy! We couldn't wait for the other guys cuz we had to catch the last subway....
That's too bad about Russ' voice, I could tell that he couldn't really hit the high notes of Inferno's chorus, but who the hell cares? He did an AMAZING job, despite his sickness and I think he's a really good singer.
Did anyone else notice that they played extremely fast? Holy shit batman, I can barely play those songs up to tempo! Smoke and Mirrors was like double time! hahah
"I hope they have that keyboard fixed by tomorrow night!"
I'm sure they will.......my friend actually somehow ended up sitting on the stage next to Pinella, and he was trying to help him out, but he didn't know where to plug the plug into or something...

I really wanted to hear Awakenings.
Well, that's my incoherent rambling for tonight....that was a great show!!