torrent question


Oct 27, 2005
Portland, ME
ok so i downloaded (i mean bought) a torrent a few times i kept fucking it up and had to retorrent it, im wonder if anyone know what im supposed to do with these files it has atleast 25 files witgh the aame name in a rar format then it has a whole bunch (atleast 50) with the same name as the rar file but with numbers after them and arent any kind of file...

im so confused and don't want to fuck around with it this time till i know what to do.

EDIT: and when i open up the zip files it has an mdf file in there that says med - disk 1...
yeah just figured it out as you posted that, thanks though, they should have atleast put a readme file in there...

EDIT: lol grat now i got a program blocking me when i mount it...
Interesting, I recently dloaded a torrent of medieval 2. Too bad my computer is to fuckin shitty to do any of the battles even on the lowest settings (campaign works fine though). I guess they improved on the graphics on it a lot from Rome TW, because I can run that very smoothly on almost highest specs.
Interesting, I recently dloaded a torrent of medieval 2. Too bad my computer is to fuckin shitty to do any of the battles even on the lowest settings (campaign works fine though). I guess they improved on the graphics on it a lot from Rome TW, because I can run that very smoothly on almost highest specs.

aye that's why i stick/stuck with the first one and Rome: TW

that and because honestly i turned into a 360 geek; keyboard and mouse feels awkward to me now :erk:
yeah the new game is rediculous graphic realistic and the added cannons and guns make it that much cooler.

i really want this expansion for the viking campaign. and possibly the americas.

i have a GeForce 8500 GT 3Gigs of ram and a stock processor with vista and can run it at medium smoothly.