Total Rock aftermath


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Well it's done! What a great 3 hours we had on air with extremely cool guy and very knowledgable too! I got back to Southampton about an hour ago having had a lovely 1 hour kip in an arm chair between 4:30 and 5:30am...then off for the train!

Thanks to everyone who called or emailed in to the show while we were on air. Sorry for any questions that we didn't get round to...I think we could have gone on for at least another hour. If anyone didn't get their question answered please post it here and we'll answer it for you.

Zed has invited us back to appear on the show again in the furture too!

On a seperate note, if you see the Zroxx adverts in the current issues of Powerplay and Classic Rock mags.....they have made some typos and I assure you that we haven't also released

"Wings" and "live". Obviously they meant to say "Wings of Forever"
Well I heard most of the show and I have to say that the interview segments were both interesting and very informative. Zed played some great tuneage too - including some very excellent Powerquest numbers.

The Dragonforce tune Zed played rocked too - Karl Groom has done a good job again:)

Way to go, guys!
Woah!! 41 hours without sleep! Hope you are fully recovered now Symphony! I managed to get about 5 hours after Zed's show and spent the rest of the days doing a good impersonation of a zombie!!:lol:
Makes my sleep deprivation stories sounds like child's play...which they are! :rolleyes:

Although on Saturday I was sleeping with one eye open most of the time cos there were them jokers around that do evil things to you if you fall asleep before they do. They cut some of my hair, the bastards, but that weren't nearly as bad as the kid who had rizlas stuck to his face and set alight many times ^_^
I heard from Zed (the guy who interviewed us) that he is making us a CD copy this week. I'll then see what I can do about making it available online for you. I just hope there aren't any legal technicalities with the radio station. Should be OK I would have thought.
Here's a thought....I imagine the interview was v long so an mp3 of it would be v big, yes? Would it be wise to break it up into smaller files for the people who only have 56k modems?