Total Rock Interview Confirmed

A week does one actually get TotalRock? Is it internet-only or what? Gods, I've heard of it plenty of times but rarely about it :spin:
Touring plans. Definately touring plans :) if there are any by then that is! :D

Sadly I don't have Sky/NTL, and internet listening is out of the question. Last option is normal radio - what would I tune to?

NP: Megadeth - Crush 'Em
Unfortunately Ayeka Total Rock is not transmitted on FM. :( I know they had a campaign going a few months back to try and get a license but I've heard nothing since. Don't know what else to suggest????:confused:
originally posted by symphony
If there's anything particular you guys want to know about, maybe we can allude to it on air maybe?

For me it's just the old 'Tourdates' and follow up album.

Also do you think it would be a good idea if some us e-mailed totalrock with some questions prior to the interview?
Originally posted by dragonmaiden
Unfortunately Ayeka Total Rock is not transmitted on FM. :( I know they had a campaign going a few months back to try and get a license but I've heard nothing since. Don't know what else to suggest????:confused:

Aw, soddit. Guess I'll have to go without. Just tell us what went down on it, guys! :grin:;act=ST;f=16;t=3500


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