Total Rock July 25th

I think that's the one Friday I'm not going out ^_^ so I should be abe to check it out if it's listenable from the website (it is, isn't it? Pretty sure it is...). Ideal :)
Hehe! Live here one day? I don't think you want that dude. Everything is so fucking expensive and shit over here.. a expensive country indeed.. but I like living here.. you get used to it.. haha.
I must say though, that I like Scotland alot too. I really want to go to that country one day.. visit the highlands, play some bagpipes and drink scottish beer (though norwegian beer is the best ;)) :D
yep, there's no doubt, I will go to scotland one day.. and maybe Ireland too.. and wales.. lots of great places to visit you see.
Hmm, I talk much..
Steve Scott will be in the studio for the interview while I'll be on the ol' dog and bone!

Unfortunately we won't be able to air any new material due to the fact that the album is still being mixed and neither ourselves or the label want to air "monitor" mixes from the studio as it doesn't really give the right impression.

On the upside, I hope we will be able to bring you a new mp3 once the mixing is complete.