Totalitarianism in effect?

omfg, this kind of shit scares the hell out of me.
Im so glad i live in Sweden right now.

And no, i dont think so.. not a chance.
This happened to me a few years ago, at a club getting ready to play, i was watching over my gear and watching a friend play, when i was pretty much drug outside by excise police. Keep in mind i have no idea WTF he is talking about. this clip got played on local news and he was suspended for a week or some shit. without the ability to record police encounters we are screwed!

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Oh no? I'm not as confident as you, Jeff.

Given that virtually all of the political power in this state is based on the coasts and centered around metropolitan areas, I really don't think it'll happen as a state law unless it's forced on us by the feds... and even then, it's not like every federal law is applied in CA.
Your argument is perfectly logical, and maybe I'm just playing devil's advocate, but I don't think we're immune to this kind of thing.
Maybe we'll just be late adopters.
Hey, how's your weather down in SLO today?
Your argument is perfectly logical, and maybe I'm just playing devil's advocate, but I don't think we're immune to this kind of thing.
Maybe we'll just be late adopters.
Hey, how's your weather down in SLO today?

Nah you're right - we're not immune to stupid shit being passed, especially by public referendum in this goddamn direct democracy state...

Weather is pretty solid! It's 78º and a bit breezy. It gets hot as balls in SLO in the summer - moving back down to Ventura on Tuesday until September, stoked for the mid-70º's weather rather than the high 80º's that's bound to hit up here!
I don't think that sort of crap would stand up to a constitutional challenge. "Right to a free press" is pretty much non-negotiable.

For the full run down on video taping cops & the rules, I recommend:

Be assured, you do have the right to tape/photograph public servants in action, especially if they are on public property.

On my side of the border, it's even more clear. Vancouver RCMP seized this video, then lied about what was on it to the public. The person who taped it got it back through a "Freedom of Information" order, and released it on the internet. He won several journalism awards for it.

Turns out, he didn't have to turn it over to the cops to begin with. He could have just told them to "go to hell" and that would have been the end of it. A free press is a free press, regardless of how the cops feel about it.
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Total violation of the bill of rights. Very disturbing, but not totalitarianism.
We still have the freedom to do things that other countries can not do, like shit in a clean toilet, much less have a toilet.

As a veteran of the ARMY, I would gladly still live here, where I can bitch, not record police (LOL) and live without the fear of where my next meal will come from, or where can I find clean drinking water. Been to many countries,
and know many many troops who can tell you how fucked up some of these places are.

As bad as the police need this act ( prolly almost half are total criminals and scumbags themselves) I dont see it getting far. I dont know why people around the country arent making this a big deal, like health care for all or the immigration laws.
I whole-heartily Glenn, but as evidenced by some state legislatures it's happening anyway. Normally I'm for a state having certain rights but this obviously crosses a line. That's why I posted the subject as totalitarianism because various City/County cops are pushing for this interpretation and it's being accepted from a state level. So what is happening is cops who are acting out of self-interested (which is unbased in this instance) turns into state law, and from state law it conceivably be proposed as Federal Law. I don't need to tell anyone anywhere that our Federal government is acting out of whack. The right says we're drifting from our original intent, the left is saying we're abandoning our Constitutional writ. Different directions but both agree we're not going where we're supposed to.

I really don't want to convey a conspiracy theory or fear-mongering, but when such things develop one must question just how far are we from things like totalitarianism, dystopic and/or oligarchy rule. Even if it's to assure ourselves we are no where near these things, the question must be asked.

For those who aren't familiar with the necessities for setting up such a government, there are a few things you need. One being general acceptance. Whether it be through fear, public opinion or coercion, a general acceptance insures no large threat in form of revolution or insurgency. Another requisite is the military enforcement to keep what you place in order. It can be an army acting as an occupation, it can be a Statist organization (such as the KGB or SS) or even a brute squad (see Princess Bride). Denying the right for a civilian to provide proof of innocence against the will of an enforcing organization (such as the Police) is a major step in protecting the interests of the government.
Wow this would sound great for my town...

Our Chief of Police is awaiting to be sentenced next month as he was found guilty on 7 charges, some of which were about destroying documents and evidence dealing with an investigation of another local cop who was driving drunk and on/in possession of cocaine who hit a pregnant woman's car causing her to go into early labor. The cop fled the scene and left her on the side of the road...

Make's me feel real safe!
Ultimately cops are people just like any other people. Entirely capable of making mistakes or being outright corrupt. We as citizens have the right to make sure they are doing their job properly and not violating laws in the process.

I've had some pretty odd police encounters, being pulled over for no apparent reason, being asked completely irrelevant questions, talking to a cop who seemed visibly intoxicated on duty, etc. Cases of mistaken identity happen all the time, a lot of cops are at least cool about it once they realize they have the wrong person.