

In the attic
Jan 3, 2002
Hey guys... does anyone here like Toto?

I used to make fun of Toto... but I've really been digging a few of their hits lately... such as "I'll Be Over You" (feat. Michael McDonald), "Rosanna" and the new hit "Bottom of Your Soul". They have a great combination of technical musicianship and pop sensibility... sorta like Enchant!
Top ten for me! One of the all time favorites and biggest influences, Hydra still gives me chills when hear it and what memories I think that is my personal favorite to this day. That was the first one to grab me even though the first one was brilliant. We have covered "Hold the Line" which Ted slays as u would imagine. Lukather is in my all time top ten for guitarists as well, what an incredible all around musician songwriter and vocalist as well.

Check his discography sometime on his site and you will be amazed at what he has played on over the years. Check out Los Lobotomys they are incredible, his side band.


I´m a big fan of Toto. And a lot what is around that band, like Los Lobotomys, the work with Derek Sherinian (Simon and Steve Lukather).

For me Steve Lukather is one of the most tasteful (can I say that in that way in English ?) guitar players I know. Like Douglas he always plays solos I like very much.

My Toto-and-around-best-of-list :

- Toto
- Hydra (best one !!)
- Kingdom Of Desire (great album)
- Fahrenheit

- Steve Lukather : Lukather
- Steve Lukather : Candyman (I think it was released as a Los Lobotomys album outside Germany)

- Los Lobotomys : Los Lobotomys (with Jeff Porcaro, David Garfield and everybody from L.A. :lol:
- Los Lobotomys : Ohne Filter live (recorded live in Germany) DVD
(Steve Lukather, David Garfield, Simon Phillips, John Pena (?))

- Derek Sherinian : Inertia (Simon, Steve, Zakk Wylde,...)
- Derek Sherinian : Black Utopia (Simon, Steve, Zakk, Yngwie,...)

although I usually lurk one in a while here, I haven't been over to this forum in ages (Hey Ed!!!), and figured I pop in and see what was new in Enchant land (no pun intended), But saw this thread on Toto and HAD to bust in...they are seriously in my top five for all-time favorite band!

I actually posted a thread about these guys and another band (Gentle Giant) in our forum long ago, but I'll copy and past my original thoughts here concerning Toto.

I know some of the fans of our music, or the general metal fan will probably think I'm up in the night admitting to this, however, every musician must have roots, and I consider TOTO to be the Beatles of my generation. When you consider all the hit's they had/have and the level of integrity amongst the songwriters, and the constancy of their album releases and growth, they are one of the best bands of the past 20 years. It is sad they usually get written off as has-been pop drivel dinosaurs amongst most of today's generation and media. For shame.

It all started with their greatest hits collection that I picked up in 92', which took me back to my youth. I forgot how cool they were after hearing them again. It's interesting, but sometimes when I would go back and hear bands or songs from my youth, I would say to myself, "I can't believe I actually liked this poppycock!". Not true with Toto, they are one of the few that stand the test of time. I started picking up album after album, one at a time as they were released from that point, and picking up the back catalauge. Every album is perfection, in both songwriting and production. No fillers, and the material sounds fresh with each release. For me, a band that has existed as long as them, deserves high accolades.

If I ever did a solo album, (and could afford it) I would do anything it took to collaborate with David Paich, the man is a songsmith genius. I think I obviously gave away the direction I would take with my own material outside of Katagory V.

For me the top 5 Toto albums -

1. Isolation
2. Kingdom of Desire
3. Tambu
4. Farenhiet
5. Toto (self-titled)

Ironiclly, The albums that are the least popular, or don't have the top radio hits, are actaully the best for me... mostly in a sentimental way. :Saint:

Hey long time bro, man Happy New Year and the best to your boys in Kat 5, and the Mrs and family man.

Hey thanks for busting in here and making some great points about this amazing band. I totally agree they have gotten a really strange rap over the years. Luke and TOTO are also in my top five alltime and I have to say that they just might be in that Beatles catagory for me as well. It started w Hydra for me but I knew about the first one and the work they had done with Boz Skaggs. The songwriting and muscianship, just the all around package is astounding when you think about it. This is a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Band hands down!

Sure they have a lot of top 40 hits and a lot of pop but most if not all of it has really been top notch in a world of crap pop music. They have actually always been TOP cats in my book! Especially Luke who just is on a differant plane than most.


although I usually lurk one in a while here, I haven't been over to this forum in ages (Hey Ed!!!), and figured I pop in and see what was new in Enchant land (no pun intended), But saw this thread on Toto and HAD to bust in...they are seriously in my top five for all-time favorite band!

I actually posted a thread about these guys and another band (Gentle Giant) in our forum long ago, but I'll copy and past my original thoughts here concerning Toto.

I know some of the fans of our music, or the general metal fan will probably think I'm up in the night admitting to this, however, every musician must have roots, and I consider TOTO to be the Beatles of my generation. When you consider all the hit's they had/have and the level of integrity amongst the songwriters, and the constancy of their album releases and growth, they are one of the best bands of the past 20 years. It is sad they usually get written off as has-been pop drivel dinosaurs amongst most of today's generation and media. For shame.

It all started with their greatest hits collection that I picked up in 92', which took me back to my youth. I forgot how cool they were after hearing them again. It's interesting, but sometimes when I would go back and hear bands or songs from my youth, I would say to myself, "I can't believe I actually liked this poppycock!". Not true with Toto, they are one of the few that stand the test of time. I started picking up album after album, one at a time as they were released from that point, and picking up the back catalauge. Every album is perfection, in both songwriting and production. No fillers, and the material sounds fresh with each release. For me, a band that has existed as long as them, deserves high accolades.

If I ever did a solo album, (and could afford it) I would do anything it took to collaborate with David Paich, the man is a songsmith genius. I think I obviously gave away the direction I would take with my own material outside of Katagory V.

For me the top 5 Toto albums -

1. Isolation
2. Kingdom of Desire
3. Tambu
4. Farenhiet
5. Toto (self-titled)

Ironiclly, The albums that are the least popular, or don't have the top radio hits, are actaully the best for me... mostly in a sentimental way. :Saint:
You get like a million points for this post and listing some of the most TASTEFUL and kick ass stuff ever recorded bassfuss

Yes tasteful is a perfect description!



I´m a big fan of Toto. And a lot what is around that band, like Los Lobotomys, the work with Derek Sherinian (Simon and Steve Lukather).

For me Steve Lukather is one of the most tasteful (can I say that in that way in English ?) guitar players I know. Like Douglas he always plays solos I like very much.

My Toto-and-around-best-of-list :

- Toto
- Hydra (best one !!)
- Kingdom Of Desire (great album)
- Fahrenheit

- Steve Lukather : Lukather
- Steve Lukather : Candyman (I think it was released as a Los Lobotomys album outside Germany)

- Los Lobotomys : Los Lobotomys (with Jeff Porcaro, David Garfield and everybody from L.A. :lol:
- Los Lobotomys : Ohne Filter live (recorded live in Germany) DVD
(Steve Lukather, David Garfield, Simon Phillips, John Pena (?))

- Derek Sherinian : Inertia (Simon, Steve, Zakk Wylde,...)
- Derek Sherinian : Black Utopia (Simon, Steve, Zakk, Yngwie,...)

My best friend in high school (who, coincidentally, got me into Enchant!) used to tease me for being into Toto back in the '80s. Them and Kansas to some extent.

But it wasn't long after that when he realized just what a gem Toto is.

Why, just this morning I had the drum line of "Rosanna" stuck in my head. (May Jeff Porcaro rest in peace.)
You get like a million points for this post and listing some of the most TASTEFUL and kick ass stuff ever recorded bassfuss

Yes tasteful is a perfect description!



there are lot of albums I have which are kind of projects. And there is a big family of musicians that you meet again and again. Steve Lukather is one of them.
Thank god in Bremen in Germany there is a record store where you can buy all the stuff the others don´t have :notworthy


Hey long time bro, man Happy New Year and the best to your boys in Kat 5, and the Mrs and family man.

Yes, it has been a long time! I hope all has been well with you too my man!

Hey thanks for busting in here and making some great points about this amazing band. I totally agree they have gotten a really strange rap over the years. Luke and TOTO are also in my top five alltime and I have to say that they just might be in that Beatles catagory for me as well. It started w Hydra for me but I knew about the first one and the work they had done with Boz Skaggs. The songwriting and muscianship, just the all around package is astounding when you think about it. This is a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Band hands down!

Its funny you brought up the Hall of Fame thing, I have to absolutely agree with that! Maybe we should start a petition on this or something? Justice needs to be served right there.

Sure they have a lot of top 40 hits and a lot of pop but most if not all of it has really been top notch in a world of crap pop music. They have actually always been TOP cats in my book! Especially Luke who just is on a differant plane than most.


I have spun several Toto albums for people, and often times they say, "Who IS this!?" and when I tell them Toto, they have an extreme look of shock. :lol: Most people only know the hits, so when they hear some of the album cuts, which often times can be pretty hard rockin' or even progressive, it really throws them through a loop.

Luke has alwasy been one of my favorite guitarists too, he's one of those "feel" players that can play only a few notes in a solo, and make it sing better than any shredder out there. Not to mention, he is also a great singer! Some of his songs he has written for other bands, for example, The Tubes (anyone remeber those guys?) are great! I saw that Luke was responsable for writing "She's a Beauty" as well as another kiiller Tubes song, "Talk To Ya Latter", and it all made sense. You can totally hear the Toto /Lukather vibe with the hard rock attack yet with sophisitcated pop hooks.

But hey, let not forget about Mike Procaro...that kat can really play in the pocket! one of my top favorite bassist out there.... next to you Ed, of course. :Saint:
Im a huge Toto fan, i just love them, amazing musicians in the true sense of the word, they are amazing at what they do and outside toto they can play any kind of music you can think of at a very high level standard, lukather is one of my fav players and one of my biggest influences on guitar, he was one of the dudes that taught me that the "less is more" approach is very important.

My fav toto related albums:

Lukather's Candyman

People roll their eyes when i say to them i like Toto ... never really understood why :erk:
I have had a strange experience with Toto. I've "known" them for a long time, but I found it hard to dig them, actually. The classics are good, no doubt, but I simply did not dig them so much.

However, Toto have been through very different music fields over the years, as it's been said before, they've played some hard rockish or even proggy stuff.

So one day I go for a beer with some friends and when we arrive to the bar, they're playing some fresh proggy stuff I don't recognize but I quite dig. Surprisingly enough, they say it is Toto, so first thought after that: go get something and re-check'em out!!

However, I get Hydra, and it is not entirely the same stuff I heard before. And this has happened several times now: I listen some very interesting Toto stuff and I'm uncapable of finding the right album to start with.

Could some caritative soul point me in the right direction? I was only able to identify the album where Fergie Frederiksen was the singer (Isolation), being this one kinda hardrock/AOR from the eighties. Which albums were the progressive ones?

