
Bloody vaginal belch
Oct 20, 2007
Just scored a touchdown!

I took a dump so long that it was dipped in water before breaking of the end! :lol:

Totally too much information but:

I've been pooing less frequently and averaging shits that are fully hitting the bottom of the toilet bowl while still being attached. I have to lift up when I squeeze it off for fear of it hitting my nuts as the poo pole falls over.
Totally too much information but:

I've been pooing less frequently and averaging shits that are fully hitting the bottom of the toilet bowl while still being attached. I have to lift up when I squeeze it off for fear of it hitting my nuts as the poo pole falls over.

Commonly referred to as "bottoming out"
I wanted to make a thread about this some time ago. How often do you guys poop? cause I know people (women mostly) who can actually spend a full day or two without going, while sometimes I'm at noon taking my third daily crap, no exageration

I usually go about 2 or 3 days between, don't know why ... maybe my really high metabolism ... I pretty much burn off just about everything I eat very fast

but man, when I go .... :yow:

OT - hey fuckface, you check out the tune?
I can tell you its all that spicy latin food you freaks eat over there in Spain.... god damn spics! :P

only been in living in Spain for 8 months, been shitting 2/3 times a day my whole life, so nope.

I usually go about 2 or 3 days between, don't know why ... maybe my really high metabolism ... I pretty much burn off just about everything I eat very fast

but man, when I go .... :yow:

OT - hey fuckface, you check out the tune?

OT - I managed to download it to my Iphone (internet problems last night), will now listen when I finish writing this song I'm working on
I wanted to make a thread about this some time ago. How often do you guys poop? cause I know people (women mostly) who can actually spend a full day or two without going, while sometimes I'm at noon taking my third daily crap, no exageration

3 to 4 times a day but I eat 4 to 6 times a day. I consider 3 times normal and healthy.